Humanities Homework Help

APMT 470 University of Phoenix Digital Learning Research Proposal Paper


Review Ch. 2, 6 and 7 of Research Methods in Psychology and Electronic Reserve Readings resources, including videos.

Prepare a research proposal on one of the research problems your Learning Team identified in Week 2.

Select one of the research problems from your Week 2 Learning Team assignment.

Write about 700 words outlining your Learning Team’s research plan. Include the following:

  • Research question
  • Literature review
  • Population
  • Method
  • Procedure

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Humanities Homework Help

University of San Diego Week 4 New Mode of Blended Learning Essay


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Reflect on the impact blended learning has on educational experiences. How could this learning method change learners’ expectations for their future in the workforce and types of employment available? (REMEMBER THAT YOUR POST IS TO BE SUPPORTED BY THE TEXTBOOK. THIS MEANS PROPER IN-TEXT CITATIONS AND WITH THE TEXTBOOK LISTED AS A REFERENCE ALL IN 7TH ED APA.

Here are is the book.

Vander Ark, T. (2012). Getting smart: How digital learning is changing the world.Jossey-Bass.

Humanities Homework Help

San Jose State University CH10 Learning About Different Abilities and Fairness Paper


1) Read the following to prepare for this week’s learning:

Roots and Wings: ———-

Anti Bias Education: Ch 10 “Learning About Different Abilities and Fairness”

Choose one quote or idea from each chapter you read for homework that you think is a very important idea or concept. For each, cite the textbook and page number you got the quote or idea from. (2 chapters, 2 books = 4 quotes)

Then, briefly, write why you choose that quote or idea as the most important idea in the chapter? What is its meaning to you? For others? Why do you think that this would be an important idea for others to know about? Your paragraph can be 4-8 sentences.

(Requirement book 1. Roots and Wings, Affirming Culture in Early Childhood Programs, by Stacy York

2. Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves by Lousie Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards)

2) Then Stop and Think about Disabilities and Answer the Questions

  1. What did you learn as a child about how “visible” a person with a disability should be? Was it OK to look at the person directly? What are some issues around this situation? Did you know/interact with anyone with a disability?
  2. What is your reaction when a child asks a question about a person with a disability within the person’s hearing range? Can you think of ways that you could react?
  3. How can you evaluate when a person with a disability does or does not need help? How can you tell? How can you decide if a child with a disability is doing something dangerous or if it’s safe?

3) Do A Implicit Association Test – Disabilities

(Links to an external site.)

The link above takes you to a test that is called the Implicit Association Test. It has been around since 1998. It is associated with Harvard University. This isn’t the end-all and be-all of tests but it IS interesting to get some insight into your own biases. I will not know the results of your test obviously except for what you share in your assignment.

Take one of the tests at least, of either Race, Gender, or Disability. For sure take the Disabilities one. I took it, so I just want to say, don’t feel bad just take it as an eye-opener to how we are ‘taught’ in a variety of ways to look at others with biases. We ALL have them. Awareness is the first step!

Take a test (or more if you wish) then answer the two questions below. Each test takes about 15 minutes or less, I think.

  1. What did you learn about yourself?
  2. What feelings did this bring up for you?

4) Watch the Video on Passage of ADA

(Links to an external site.)

Respond in the short paragraph that you watched this.

Humanities Homework Help

SDSUGreat Zimbabwe Rediscover This Lost History Reflecting Paper


Watch the first thirty minutes of the documentary on the search for Great Zimbabwe. As you watch, list all the historical sources the narrator uses to try and rediscover this lost history. Write this list down in your discussion post and also reflect on why it is that these sources have been used. What is missing from the evidence that would help us get a more complete understanding of the story of Great Zimbabwe? two paragraphs are enoughT Youtwo paragraphs are enough. The important thing is covering the questions of the discussion.

Humanities Homework Help

PSY 203 SU Psychology Relationship Violence What You Need to Know Infographic & Reflection



Paper Option #1: Create a Pamphlet, Multimedia, or Other Resource to Educate Others


  • Choose a specific topic (e.g., relationship violence, Alzheimer’s prevention) in psychology that interests you and immerse yourself in studying that area. Learn as much as you can. Become an expert. Research your topic. Don’t forget to use your textbook!
  • Identify organizations in the local community (e.g., Sistercare, local church, Department of Education) that can provide guidance on your topic and need to raise awareness and/or materials that you might develop to educate our community and/or benefit their efforts. Please see me for guidance or suggestions as needed. 


You will create a pamphlet, infographic, multimedia, or other resource and write a reflection paper about your project. The paper will consist of a written reflection on your experience and learning related to the project.

Humanities Homework Help

Supporting Diverse Learners Discussion


I’m working on a education & teaching discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Within the context of education today, diversity is a prime consideration. Leaders must be innovative in their approach to serving various stakeholders from different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. 

Why is diversity an important consideration in the context of education?

Who are the diverse learners in your school?

In what ways do school leaders support diverse learners in your school?

  • In what ways do you see Universal Design for Learning in current curriculum and teaching in your school?

Humanities Homework Help

Cypress College Religious Experiences and The Paranormal Question


We have been reading the Christiano textbook, but no book or set of readings can possibly cover all areas of interest. Module 6 on Canvas includes some supplementary readings on several areas of current interest in the sociology of religion. Please select TWO subtopics from the Module 6 focus areas that most interest you and read those, along with the required readings given within those subtopics. Citing specific material from the subtopics and associated readings, as well as any other credible and authoritative resources you might find, please concisely but insightfully address each of the following issues in at least 3 full pages of text:

  • What subtopic did you find the most interesting in terms of the ideas it covers, and why?
  • How does that subtopic conceptually relate to the second subtopic you read?
  • How do both subtopics relate to issues and concepts currently relevant to the sociology of religion? What similarities do they share? What differences?
  • Why are each of the subtopics you chose significant to the past, present, or future of religion in America and/or the world today?

Humanities Homework Help

USC China and Vietnam Myanmar Policy Briefing


the assignment is a slide show and I have finished 31 of 34 slides. I have three that remain. just read the instruction to make sure you’re doing it right and correct. See the other slides to compare what type of information you need, this is honestly very very easy I am just tired and can’t finish the rest. there are sources on slide 16 that you can use and if any more are added that is fine as well. It’s literally practically done. just 3 more slides needed on Myanmar.

Humanities Homework Help

HU Chop Suey 1929 Balance the Scene and Portray Realism Analysis


This week, we’ve learned about the various modes of analysis art historians use, from formal analysis (analyzing the elements of art and principles of design in a composition), to contextual, biographical, iconographic, feminist, and psychoanalytic. Now, you’ll begin to apply these ways of thinking to analyzing a work of art: Edward Hopper, Chop Suey, 1929. Yes, we all will analyze this same work of art, so it should be kind of fun/interesting to see how everyone’s posts compare.

Edward Hopper, Chop Suey

Here are the instructions for this discussion. Please read closely and make sure you complete each item for full credit:

Start with a brief formal analysis. Identify the two elements of art or principles of design that stand out to you the most. Why did you select that specific element/principle as being the most dominant? Write a short statement discussing how the artist has employed those elements/principles in the composition and to what effect. Make sure this is entirely in your own words, from your own observation (don’t copy any information word-for-word from a web site as that would be plagiarism and will result in a grade of 0).

Then, apply one other mode of analysis (biographical, feminist, gender, race, sexuality, psychological, iconographic, contextual) to analyze this work of art further. Make sure you watch the online lecture for examples of how to do so. For this, you’ll need to do a tiny bit of research. You can start here on the Edward Hopper website (Links to an external site.) or this article from Smithsonian Magazine (Links to an external site.), or visit another reputable source (please NOT Wikipedia, must be an academic source). If you copy any original thought, make sure you cite your source! The idea is to collect information about the artist’s biography, how women are portrayed or what that reveals about gender issues/roles at the time, the social/historical context and how that is reflected in the work, the psychological impact, etc, and then choose one of those modes of analysis to apply to the painting. You get to choose which mode of analysis to use, so there’s no right or wrong choice here, as long as you can back up your analysis with some thoughtful statements that make sense and are appropriate to the painting/time period/artist, etc.