Law Homework Help

Taft College Security in The US Discussion


Section 1. September 11th, 2001 was a turning point in the U.S. and in the subculture of violence on U.S. soil. While it was not the first attack or the “attempt” to attack the twin towers, it certainly changed how Americans viewed security and what they were willing to give up n exchange of feeling safe at home. Your task is to:

a. explain why September 11th, 2001 was different than many other attacks against U.S. soil

b. list some of the policies that were implemented to increase security in the U.S.

c. describe how the attack has impacted U.S. relations with other foreign countries and why

Please be sure you use at least ONE example to support your response. 

Section 2. Friedland provides THREE frameworks to describe terrorist activity in various societies. Your task is to :

a. pick one of Friedland’s frameworks

b. explain, in your own words, how your “chosen” framework makes a distinction between “terrorists” and “extremists”

c. choose ONE terrorist organization to reflect how it possesses characteristics of the selected Friedland’s framework you selected in “a”

Law Homework Help

Lynn University Society Dependency on Information Technology Essay


  • How comfortable are YOU with society’s increasing dependence upon information technology for national security and social and economic stability? (Consider the many ways that society depends on internet-based information and communications.)

Use one reference to back up your opinion

Law Homework Help

JKUAT LGBTQ Students Counseling Discussion


I need support with this Law question so I can learn better.

Research on LGBTQ students and the means in which school counselors could use leadership and advocacy to help the students 

Law Homework Help

AMU Transnational Transitional Law Discussion


I need help with a International Law question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


This assignment is a take-home essay assignment of 2 questions, 3 pages each, to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. The exclusive use of required texts and readings from this course is mandatory.

Please follow all instructions below.

Question 1: After reading your course materials, what are the three most important mechanisms for applying principles of truth and reconciliation at the local community level? You may wish to revisit the case study on Northern Ireland in Week 7 as support for your arguments. Provide examples to reinforce your main points.

Question 2: Should the US intervene in humanitarian crises in which there is no imminent danger to US interests? Give three arguments for or against based on principles of intervention and non-intervention as outlined in the Week 8 readings, and include case studies that provide models or illustrate your points.

Please present your work as a Word document, remembering to double-space and put your name and a title on the paper. You should also put your name on the file, then upload it here in Assignments no later than 11:55pm ET on Sunday, Week Eight.

Law Homework Help

Rasmussen College Criminalizing Attempt Solicitation and Conspiracy Questions


Answer the following questions on criminal justice

  • What justifies criminalizing attempt, solicitation, and conspiracy?
  • Should statutes defining conspiracy require proof of an overt act in furtherance of the conspirator’s agreement? Why or why not?
  • Should it be a defense to a charge of attempt that the accused voluntarily abandoned the attempt?
  • Given First Amendment protections of freedom of expression and association, can members of a revolutionary political organization be prosecuted for conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States?
  • Has the government gone too far in their efforts to prevent terrorism?
  • Should the offense of conspiracy be used to prosecute Wall Street bankers and other white collar or corporate criminals?

    Law Homework Help

    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Canadian Case Law Analysis


    I’m trying to study for my Law course and I need some help to understand this question.

    Using Canadian law or rules 

    Work on 4 subjects that fall under persons with disability, solitary confinement, youth Justice, and global mining companies in Canada

    Law Homework Help

    AMU W8 Carpenter v United States Supreme Court Case Discussion


    In your reading this week is a link to the Carpenter v. United States Supreme Court case, which resulted in a 5-4 split decision. Carefully read the court’s opinion, understanding both the majority opinion and the dissents.

    In your initial discussion post, discuss:

    1) Do you agree with the court’s decision? Why?

    2) What is the dissent’s strongest argument?