Law Homework Help

San Joaquin Delta College Statistical and Legal Metadata Discussion


I’m working on a law writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Using a general search engine on the Internet, such as Google, write a one-page summary of what metadata is. Include examples of how mistakes or problems arise from the use of metadata for unintended purposes.

Law Homework Help

AU Effective Evaluation of Hospitals Compliance to EMTALA Memorandum


Bounce-Back Problem

Bill Howell does not have health insurance and has been experiencing homelessness for at least one year. Two days ago, Howell walked into the emergency department at the Waverly Medical Center (WMC) complaining of shortness of breath. A triage nurse determined that he had a fever. After being screened by a physician in the emergency department, Howell was diagnosed with severe dehydration. After approximately eight hours in the emergency room, during which time Howell’s dehydration was treated with intravenous fluids and his fever was reduced using ibuprofen, Dr. Arjun Roy certified Howell as stable for discharge. Staff at WMC called a ride-share service to pick up Howell and take him back to the shelter for the homeless where he had stayed most recently prior to his hospitalization. In the car on the way to the homeless shelter, Howell went into cardiac arrest. The driver immediately returned him to WMC’s emergency department, where doctors resuscitated him but not before he experienced brain damage resulting in permanent neurological deficits. He has now been admitted to the ICU at WMC, but administrators would like to transfer him to CGH for further care as soon as possible. Upon admission, doctors performed additional tests that were not performed during Howell’s time in the emergency department, including a chest X-ray. These results indicated a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia, which was almost certainly present when Howell first arrived in the emergency department.

Part a: You are an investigator with the state health department. Please draft a memo for your supervisor outlining the factual and legal questions you will need to answer as part of your investigation to determine whether the Waverly Medical Center and/or Dr. Roy violated EMTALA, and explain the significance of these questions to your investigation.

Part b: You are a compliance officer at Waverly Medical Center. Please draft a memo for your supervisor explaining how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the Hospital’s EMTALA

compliance utilizing the “seven effective elements” framework and making specific recommendations to enhance EMTALA compliance following the incident described above.

Law Homework Help

CR 4420 Troy University Comparing and Contrasting Japan and Saudi Arabia Discussion


Topic is comparing and contrasting two countries, Japan and Saudi Arabia, topic of courts and the legal professions for both of these countries. Such as the supernational courts, the background of the courts and todays topics of the courts. 

Law Homework Help

Wk 8 Mobile Application Law Concerns Discussion


You are the privacy officer for a new start-up company. It is offering a mobile app directed at college and graduate students. The idea is that the app will store all of a student’s personal information in one place, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, health records, financial aid, and student loans. Because of agreements between the start-up and the relevant colleges and universities, students can access university student records directly through the app, using the student ID (typically a Social Security Number) as a means of accessing the school records. The app also can store other personal records that the student obtains, for example, from health care providers and financial institutions. One of the board members of the start-up is a retired Facebook executive, who has watched all of the controversy surrounding Facebook’s recent activities involving personal data.

Prepare a memo for the board describing the relevant legal and compliance concerns about privacy and data security for this mobile application. Discuss the relevant laws, major legal and compliance risks, and how best the company can protect itself against these risks. In analyzing these issues, identify what you view as the most important areas that should be addressed and discuss strategies for addressing them. Please fiind attached some of my notes to help you.

Law Homework Help

Miami Dade College Sentencing Model Discussion


Sam is a 40 year old who was convicted of a breaking into a jewelry store in Coral Gables, Florida. During the burglary he successfully took over $1 million dollars worth of jewelry. One month after the crime, Sam was arrested for the crimes of burglary and grand theft. All of the jewelry was successfully recovered and given back to the business owner. Sam was found guilty by a jury in your court room for burglary and grand theft. He has accepted responsibility for his actions. He has no previous criminal history.

Select one of the scenarios to discuss. Do not add any facts to the scenario. Please answer the questions below based solely on the information you have.

  • What type of sentencing model would you use to sentence the offenders?
  • What actual sentence would you impose (type and time)?
  • What are the “goals of sentencing” that are associated with your decision?
  • Do not use current sentencing strategies to determine your sentence. You are to discuss what you think is appropriate, not what is already in place.

Law Homework Help

Grand Canyon University Police Brutality and Racial Bias Discussion Questions


NOTE: Each of the following questions has noted a word-count at the end of each question.

Hundreds of protests have occurred over police shootings in the last several years, beginning most notably with the protests over the shooting of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.  These protests have ranged from peaceful gatherings to full-scale violent riots complete with assaults on police officers and the burning of buildings and businesses.  Research the details on at least three such protest events occurring between 2014 and today and answer the following questions. NOTE: You may use news sources but they must be credible and based on factual information—no articles that are purely personal opinion or speculative in nature..

1)What were the purpose of these protests? Were the protests conducted legally? (200-250 words)

2.What were the more prevalent complaints from protestors who took part in the demonstrations? (150-200 words)

3.What were the major safety concerns faced by officers during these protests? (150-200 words)

4.What were the end results of the protests / what action was taken by law enforcement, if any? (150-250 words)

5.Overall, how well do you believe police have handled this unprecedented amount of protests and riots in recent years?  What, if anything, do you believe the police could do to improve the situation? Defend your response with scholarly research. (350-400 words)

Law Homework Help

University Of Tennessee At Chattanooga Three Strike Law Modification Discussion


Chapter 3 details the theory of Three-Strikes legislation versus the reality of it. In theory, the three-strikes law was meant to “get tough on crime” and deter criminal behavior. In reality, though, the legislation has had to undergo many modifications. What do you think led to the 2012 and 2014 modifications in the state’s three-strike law that California voters approved? If you were a California resident at the time of such votes, would you have agreed with the modifications?

Make sure to cite your sources!

Law Homework Help

CRMJ 303 APUS Classical & Positivist Schools of Criminology Questions


Answer the two questions. Each must be between 500-700 words with a minimum of 3 sources and in APA format and in-text citations.

1. Discuss in detail the two primary historical schools of thought presented in this week’s lesson pertaining to criminology i.e., the classical and positivist schools of criminology. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.

2. Discuss in detail subcultural theory as it relates to delinquency and crime. Further briefly without using quotes give an overview of this article i.e., Nwalozie, C. J. (2015). Rethinking subculture and subcultural theory in the study of youth crime – A theoretical discourse. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology, 7(1), 1-16.