Mathematics Homework Help

Saint Petersburg State University Goodness of Fit Tests Statistics Question

You will be working on Goodness-of-fit Tests. 

Choose 2 different datasets that are related to a project you are working on it or select from this list Rdatasets list (Links to an external site.) and perform the following tests:

  • Kolmogorov Smirnov Test to test if your data are exponentially distributed.
  • Kolmogorov Smirnov Test to test if your data are gamma-distributed.
  • Chi-squared Test to test if your data are binomially distributed – if you don’t find a data set simulate data.
  • Shapiro-Wilk Test to test if your data are normally distributed. 

Mathematics Homework Help

Rasmussen University G&B Consulting Game Theory Application Presentation

After working for 18 months in your analyst position at G&B Consulting, you are now being considered for a project manager position that would put you in charge of several team members. As part of the interview process, you have been asked to make a presentation to highlight what you think are the most compelling reasons you should get the position.
You are to put together a PowerPoint presentation that explains all of the key components that you feel will factor into why you should get the position.

Mathematics Homework Help

NIT Algebraic Structures Modern Algebra & Abstract Algebra Question

I’m working on a Algebra question and need guidance to help me study.

In a group G, (ab)m = ambm for three successive integers m for all values of a, b belonging to G. Show that G is abelian group?