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Grossmont College Importance of Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle Article Intention Statement


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may end up on the back burner when you are focusing on responsibilities related to your schoolwork, job, and family. Recent statistics show that health risks related to obesity are on the rise. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is working to reduce obesity. A good portion of its research is related to “lifestyle modification.”  You can take steps to promote a healthy body, just as you enrolled in higher education to improve your mind. 

Take a moment to think about your own health habits.

Search the internet to find an article or video related to your health and post your thoughts on what you learned. Write an intention statement here; then return after one week (or a few days) and report back on your success. 

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Rochester College Create IT Linux Study Guide Interview Questions



  • In high school, university, or continuing education, how did you fare in mathematics and physical sciences? Which were your strongest subjects, and how did you rank in your class?
  • Describe achievements that were considered exceptional by colleagues and staff.
  • What course and university did you choose, and why?
  • In college, which were your strongest courses, and which did you enjoy the most?
  • In your career, in school, or other extra curriculars, what leadership roles did you take on? How did you rise above your peers? 
  • When presented with a new challenge, or an unfamiliar subject, describe the processes you follow to familiarize yourself with the material.

Career and experience

  • Describe your experience with Linux or open-source software.
  • Describe your experience helping/supporting people with technical difficulties.
  • Describe your experience writing for public consumption (e.g. reports, presentations, guides, documentation, announcements, etc).
  • Describe a situation where you resolved a difficult bug or configuration problem.
  • Describe your experience working with hardware; for example monitors, printers, and other desktop peripherals.
  • Describe your experience administering Windows and MacOS systems.
  • Describe situations where you worked, determined priorities, and managed your time independently with little supervision. 


  • How do you keep your skills sharp and updated? What resources do you use?
  • Why do you most want to work for company?
  • What suggestions could you give to help company improve its products? 
  • What do you think is the biggest future opportunity for company?

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DePaul University Global Supply Chains Bullwhip Questions


I need an explanation for this Marketing Strategies question to help me study.

Even though global supply chains are regaining their footing as the Covid-19 pandemic begins to ease, many businesses are about to be knocked off their feet again, reports The Wall Street Journal (June 14, 2021). Uncertainty surrounding the demand predictions needed to drive supply-chain decisions increased markedly during the past 15 months as the ripple effects of the pandemic disrupted supply-and-demand patterns. Toilet paper shelves were empty in most stores as demand spiked 700%, and the construction and travel industries ground to a halt.

Now, pent-up demand, relief checks and vaccinations are spurring spikes in consumer spending, triggering shortages of many products that were overabundant a year ago. From lumber to semiconductors, markets are experiencing price run-ups and stockouts, stoking inflation fears.


The result is that many companies want to kick manufacturing into high gear, replenishing inventory on expectations that today’s surging demand will continue. Firms should follow a “make more” strategy with caution, however, lest they become victims of the bullwhip effect, refer to Chapter 11 Supplement 11 (p. 473-75).

Bullwhip describes how companies typically respond to a spike in demand by ordering more products than required to hedge against potential continued growing demand and to avoid stockouts. This demand distortion is then passed along and amplified at each stage of the supply chain, with orders to suppliers furthest away from the point of sale far removed from the realistic views of consumer demand.

Bullwhip can lead to the rapid expansion of manufacturing capacity, including accelerated procurement of supplies, labor, warehouse space and transportation for finished goods, often at a cost premium. But just as the initial information reporting demand spikes takes time to reach upstream suppliers and manufacturers, so too does information about stabilizing demand. By the time companies reach peak capacity, demand may have stabilized at lower levels, leaving firms with excessive inventory.

The risk of overbuilding is highest in industries that may see demand surge as society reopens, such as tourism, dining and entertainment. Data indicate that consumer spending is already shifting away from “lockdown” spending on things such as home entertainment, workout and home-office equipment, and food-delivery services.


  1. Provide at least two examples of specific items that were impacted by bullwhip during or after the pandemic. Please state the item and explain why you think it was impacted by bullwhip effect.
  2. In your opinion, how has the pandemic impacted global supply chains?

Please limit your response to 150 words for each question.

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PAD 340 SNHU Washtenaw County Budget Project


This is about Washtenaw county Budget reaffirmation Document ‘

PAD 340 Project Three Guidelines and Rubric
For your final competency project, you will demonstrate your ability to examine fiscal decisions made by public administrators, and provide recommendations
for a community on how to improve its budgeting process. Using the provided case study documents from Washtenaw County, Michigan, you will create a paper
analyzing the county’s budget decisions. This will include evaluating its planning and budgeting approaches, as well as the extent to which the public
administrators have engaged stakeholders in the budgeting process. Finally, you will assess the financial health of the community based on its revenues,
expenditures, and other fiscal indicators. This is the last of three competency projects in this course; it is due in Module Eight.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency:
 BS-BAD-PAD-CMP-05: Examine fiscal decisions made by public administrators
For this project, you will analyze the budget document, budget impacts document, and Financial State of the County Report from Washtenaw County, Michigan.

 Washtenaw County: Budget Reaffirmation Document
 Washtenaw County: An Eye on the Future
 Washtenaw County: Financial State of the County Report
Using the provided resources above, you will create a paper that answers the following questions: What budget systems is this community using and how would
you evaluate this approach? How have stakeholders been involved in the budgeting process? How would you rate the community’s fiscal health?
Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below.
I. Budgeting Systems: In this section, you will describe the budgeting systems that the community is using and the merits of the community’s budgeting
A. Describe the budgeting approach being used by the community and its strengths and weaknesses.
B. Describe the community’s priorities, how they were created, and if the major expenditures are reflective of the community’s priorities.
C. Describe how the budget structure ensures accountability and transparency. Where do you think the community could make improvements?
II. Stakeholder Involvement: In this section, you will explain how stakeholders have been involved in the process and provide recommendations to the
community for a more ethical and inclusive process.
A. Explain if the community has provided opportunities for meaningful community engagement and if they have involved the right stakeholders.
B. Recommend additional opportunities for a more ethical and inclusive process.
III. Health of the Community: In this section, you will use at least two indicators from the 10-point test to analyze the fiscal health of the community. Why
did you select these indicators? What is the community’s fiscal health? Is it sustainable? As you analyze the fiscal health of the community, consider the
following: Are revenues increasing? Are expenditures increasing? What is the fund balance or cash reserves? Is the community funding capital
improvements? What are the implications of each?
Project Three Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your budget evaluation project must be 3–4 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format.
Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least three references cited in APA format.

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data analytics


This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used to create strategies for sustainable organizational success while integrating the organization’s mission with societal values. You’ll apply statistical time series modeling techniques to identify patterns and develop time-dependent demand models. You’ll practice organizing and delivering a presentation to senior decision-makers. The PowerPoint presentation includes an audio component in addition to speaker notes.

Resource: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk6_Data_File

Scenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time-consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid.

You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city.

Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns:

  • LotCode: A unique code that identifies the parking lot
  • LotCapacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacity
  • LotOccupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lot
  • TimeStamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measured
  • Day: The day of the week corresponding to the TimeStamp
  • Insert a new column, OccupancyRate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current LotOccupancy is 61 and LotCapacity is 577, then the OccupancyRate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).
  • Using the OccupancyRate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?
  • Using the OccupancyRate and LotCode columns, construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates? Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?
  • Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare a scatter plot showing the occupancy rate against TimeStamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time-dependent? If so, which times seem to experience the highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?


Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speaker notes and audio. Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app.

Complete the following in your presentation:

  • Outline the rationale and goals of the project.
  • Utilize boxplots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of the results.
  • Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of the results.
  • Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against the time of day of your selected four parking lots. Include your interpretation of the results.
  • Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project.

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time series


Time series are particularly useful to track variables such as revenues, costs, and profits over time. Time series models help evaluate performance and make predictions. Consider the following and respond in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Time series decomposition seeks to separate the time series (Y) into 4 components: trend (T), cycle (C), seasonal (S), and irregular (I). What is the difference between these components?
  • The model can be additive or multiplicative.When we do use an additive model? When do we use a multiplicative model?
  • The following list gives the gross federal debt(in millions of dollars) for the U.S. every 5 years from 1945 to 2000:

Year Gross Federal Debt ($millions)

1945 260,123

1950 256,853

1955 274,366

1960 290,525

1965 322,318

1970 380,921

1975 541,925

1980 909,050

1985 1,817,521

1990 3,206,564

1995 4,921,005

2000 5,686,338

  • Construct a scatter plot with this data. Do you observe a trend? If so, what type of trend do you observe?
  • Use Excel to fit a linear trend and an exponential trend to the data. Display the models and their respective r^2.
  • Interpret both models. Which model seems to be more appropriate? Why?

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Oakwood University Scholarship for a Single Mother Essay



When you’re a single mother, you often do things a little differently as you support yourself, your child, and your loved ones. For this scholarship application, we want to hear how you make it work.

If you’re a single mother in school, how do you juggle caring for your little one with pursuing a degree and everything else you do? How do you make ends meet financially? Have you thought about dropping out? What keeps you motivated to complete your degree? What do you find most challenging about the experience? What do you find most rewarding about the experience? What are your favorite moments with your little one?

If you’re the child or loved one of a single mother, how has this changed your life? What is your relationship to them? How does having a single mother or being close to a single mother affect your day-to-day and the way you think about your future?

We also want to hear about your dreams. Where do you see yourself in the future? What is your dream career? What are you doing right now to get there? How would winning the scholarship help you achieve your goals?

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CJUS 745 Everest College Chicago Internet Research on Education Inequalities Paper


I’m working on a internet research writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

When the hypothesis relates to finding the difference in the outcome variable between two groups, an independent samples t-test is used.  When there are more than two groups, a One-Way ANOVA is performed with post-hoc tests.  In this module, assumptions for both tests are considered. 

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Develop research questions and testable hypotheses linked to existing theory or research.
  • Demonstrate that they can develop hypotheses, choose appropriate statistics to test them, and describe the results correctly in a short research paper.
  • Develop research questions and testable hypotheses linked to existing theory or research.
  • Perform descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of public administrative datasets using IBM SPSS software.Interpret results from descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of public administrative datasets and place results in APA formatted text, tables, and figures.

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BIT 200 GCU Mobile App Planning and Design Presentation


The purpose of this assignment is to execute key steps in the mobile app planning and design process and to explain how mobile technology and apps can be used to drive business results and create competitive advantage.

Part 1 – Review How to Build a Mobile App Requirements Document

Before working on the assignment, review the “How to Build a Mobile App Requirements Document,” https://clearbridgemobile.com/how-to-build-a-mobil… located in the study materials, to learn the process of designing a mobile app. The PowerPoint presentation you will create for this assignment should include the following:

  1. Business requirements, mobile app objectives, and product vision statement.
  2. Target audience and user journey.
  3. List of features.
  4. Monetization model.
  5. Product and technical specification.
  6. Platforms for which the app is being developed.
  7. Maintenance and upgrade requirements.
  8. Dependencies, assumptions, constraints, and submission.
  9. Explanation of how the app could create a competitive advantage for the organization.
  10. Discussion on how tenets of servant leadership and conscious capitalism can be applied to the project to use business as a force for good to improve society and help communities prosper.
  11. Documentation of sources: correct citation of research references in APA reference format.

Part 2 – Choosing a Sustainable Development Goal

One of the key principles of the Colangelo College of Business is that business is a force for good to improve society and help communities prosper. For this assignment, consider the GCU’s “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work,” https://www.gcu.edu/sites/default/files/media/Docu… located in the study materials, and the tenets of servant leadership, conscious capitalism, and the sustainable development goals described in “Measuring Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals,” also located in the study materials.

Select a sustainable development goal from the list of sustainable development goals located in the study materials. Choose a goal that you would like to promote. Here is the list of sustainable development goals:

  1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
  2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
  3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
  4. Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.
  5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
  6. Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.
  7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
  8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all.
  9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
  10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
  11. Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
  12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects.
  14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.
  15. Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.
  16. Promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.
  17. Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Part 3 – Creating the PowerPoint Presentation

Imagine that your company is partnering with the United Nations to plan and design a mobile app as part of an initiative to fundraise and increase awareness about your selected sustainable development goal.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (10 slides minimum) that includes the following:

  1. Outlines the development plan and design specifics of the mobile app.
  2. Explains how the app can be used to drive business results and create business as a force for good.
  3. Includes speaker notes to provide details about the content of each slide.
  4. Includes discussion of the importance of business being a force for good to improve society and help communities prosper.
  5. Includes how the tenets of servant leadership and conscious capitalism can be applied to the project to ensure this is appropriate.

Submit the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation file only. Do not submit any other file format, such as an Adobe PDF file, or you will not earn full credit.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

General Requirements

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.