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Pacific College Theories of Emotion Phenomenon Descriptive Essay


Write a paper answering the following scenario: Due May 10

Imagine you are walking alone late at night and hear footsteps behind you.

Think about your emotional reaction to this situation. Consider the major theories of emotion: James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, and Schacter-Singer theory. From the perspective of these major theories of emotion, describe how each would predict the sequence of events that would occur as you experience a reaction to this situation. Please present a complete and thorough application for each theory.

The paper should be at least 2 full pages, double-spaced, and typed with 12 point font with 1 inch margins. Please be sure to thoroughly present each theory. In applying each theory, first start off providing a brief explanation of the theory and then apply the concepts of the theory to the scenario. The paper should also include an introduction and conclusion.

Please be sure to review the Grading Rubric below to ensure you understand how this assignment will be graded. Click on ‘view longer description’ to view the full description of the grading criteria. Please use Chapter 9 as a resource to complete this assignment.

Tips for this assignment:

  • Please use the scenario above. Please do not apply the theories to any other scenarios or examples in your paper.
  • Make sure your paper is at least 2 pages, double spaced with 12 point font and 1 inch margins.
  • Be sure your paper is organized. Please follow the following format:
    • Introduction – Introduce the topic.
    • James Lange theory – Start off explaining the theory, present all of the different stages of the theory. Then apply the theory to the scenario. At each step/stage give a full and complete application.
    • Cannon-Bard theory – Start off explaining the theory, present all of the different stages of the theory. Then apply the theory to the scenario. At each step/stage give a full and complete application.
    • Schachter – Singer theory – Start off explaining the theory, present all of the different stages of the theory. Then apply the theory to the scenario. At each step/stage give a full and complete application.
    • Conclusion – Conclude the paper.

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NOAA Ocean Currents Tutorial Questions


Part 1: Currents

Complete the NOAA Ocean Currents Tutorial and answer the following questions (short answers):

Go to: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/tutorial_c…

1) What is a current?

1)2What is the difference between a coastal current and a surface current?

3) What is the role of the Coriolis Effect in controlling ocean and atmospheric currents?

4) What is the global conveyer belt and is it controlled by deep ocean circulation or surface currents (maybe both)?

5) List and explain one historical and one modern method for measuring ocean current.

Part 2: Tidal Currents
We will be looking at predicted tidal data for Station 9414290 San Francisco Bay, CA Make sure you understand the terms high tide and low tide.
Go to: https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/waterlevels.html…
Make sure the view is “Tides/Water Levels”

6) What is the date?

7) What time are the high and low tides predicted for today? (You may read the times as GMT or LST, but be consistent.)

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8) What is the expected water level (read water elevation from Datum MSL) of today’s high and low tide? I prefer metric reading(meters) rather than imperial (feet).

9) How does the predicted curve (blue) compare to the observed/preliminary (red) water levels? (To answer this question, you can either look at today’s observed data or yesterday’s observed data.)

10) What is today’s predicted tidal range (tidal range = the difference between the elevation of water at high tide and the elevation of water at low tide)?

11) From the data present from today does San Francisco Bay have a Diurnal, Semidiurnal or Mixed Semidiurnal tidal pattern?

12) From your reading, list two or three factors that might affect the predicted versus observed tidal elevations on a given day?

Look at the predictions for tomorrow:
13) Are tomorrow’s high tide and low tide predicted for the same times as today high and low

tides? (look carefully/closely.

14) If not, why not? (you might find the answer in your reading).

Part 3: Hurricane Harvey Storm Surge in the Gulf of Mexico

Look at the potential and actual tidal surges for Hurricane Harvey in the Gulf of Mexico.


15) Was the real storm surge higher or lower than the estimates of potential storm surge?

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ASCI 309 Embry Riddle Aeronautical Unaccelerated Performance of the Cessna 172 PPT


For your independent project, create an instructional presentation. Using/building on your previous drag (i.e., thrust-required) table and graph created in Module 3, generate additional power-required values in the table and depict the power-required curve for your aircraft.

Then, working with your derived thrust-required and/or power-required curves and table data, explain how to find various performance aspects for your aircraft, and provide the specific data for your example. At a minimum cover the following:

  • Maximum range airspeed
  • Maximum endurance airspeed
  • Best climb conditions
    • Best rate of climb (ROC) & associated airspeed
    • Best angle of climb (AOC) & associated airspeed
  • Maximum forward airspeed
  • Best glide airspeed

Additionally, discuss and highlight numerically on a specific example of how weight change influences performance events such as the best range or endurance.

As in previous assignments, you will need to research additional information such as required formulas and pertinent aircraft data. Again, the emphasis in this project task is on explaining your methodology as if you are attempting to instruct someone unfamiliar with the aerodynamic details and relationships. Therefore, make sure to detail all assumptions, all formulas used, and all steps that were taken. The following will give you some starting points for your search and consideration.

  1. Required formula:
    • Thrust to power relationship
    • Weight change influence on performance airspeeds
    • ROC & AOC relationships
  2. Necessary aircraft information:
    • Powerplant output (for simplification, you can assume constant power output at the rated value across the entire speed range); whatever powerplant data you utilize, please make sure to include a short discussion detailing your assumptions.
  3. Previous information:
    • Make sure to detail again all assumed information used/transferred from last week (e.g., aircraft weight, atmospheric conditions, etc.) since performance data are, obviously, only valid for specific cases and conditions.

As previously stated, you are encouraged to utilize appropriate computational software such as Excel® or MatLab®.

  • Your presentation is due by the last day of the module and should be created using Powerpoint or the presentation platform of your choice.
  • I have attached everything from module 3 (drag table).

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Capstone week 6


Throughout your education, you have been asked to research topics and write papers, engage in thought-provoking discussions, consider diverse perspectives, and a host of other challenges that have required you to use both your discipline-specific skills as well as your soft skills. These are called transferable skills, and are skills that you develop that can be transferred and applied within your chosen career. Transferable skills are highly valuable and essential for career success.

Throughout this course, you have been working on a project that allowed you to demonstrate your understanding of the transferable skills. It is now time to submit your project/assignment and add a transferable skills reflection.

To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following:

Part I: Compiling Your Exemplar Project

  • Compile all of your completed course project assignment deliverables. Place them in the proper order, and save them in a single Microsoft Word document.

Part II: Transferable Skills Self Reflection

1.In a minimum of 1 full page, using Microsoft Word, write an essay (full introduction and conclusion), which includes the following:

  • Describe the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes regarding each of the transferable skills that you’ve gained as a result of completing this particular project/assignment.
  • Discuss the ways that you are going to incorporate the transferable skills (the transferable skills that you showcased in your exemplary project) into your work within your chosen career field.
  • Describe your future goals based on the transferable skills that you’ve chosen to showcase.
  • Write your paper utilizing proper tone, spelling and grammar.

Once you have completed your reflection assignment, add it to the end of the document you compiled in part I. The self-reflection should be the last few pages of your exemplar project. If done correctly, everything will be one document!

Save the compiled document to a folder. Then, zip or compress the folder, and submit the zipped folder to the drop box.

Note: For help with zipping or compressing your files, please visit the How Do I Zip Files? page.

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a zipped folder. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.zip” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:


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IFSM 201 UMB W1 Sampling Surveys and Polls Discussion


Discussion – Sampling, Surveys, and Polls

Sampling, surveys, and polls are three of the ways in which data is gathered. The results are then presented as information. Some argue that surveys increase people’s awareness of a company’s products and thereby encourage future purchases. More subtle is the idea that the very process of asking people their opinions can induce them to form judgments that otherwise wouldn’t occur to them—that they really do like a company’s estate-planning services, for example. These so-called measurement-induced judgments, the theory holds, can influence later behavior. Remember, as a very granular level, a poll consists of  a single question, while a survey can use multiple questions and allow for more than  a single type of response. Reflect on these questions:
1. Why/How can the data collected in polls and surveys lead us to incorrect conclusions?
2. What impacts do you think polls and surveys have or have had on you? In other words, do you pay attention to either polls or surveys?
3. Do you think national polls impact peoples’ views on a topic? 

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Cuyamaca College The Relationship Cure John Gottman Discussion


Discussion #10A – Rough Draft Introduction

Part one: Create the following sentences required below and then put them together into your introduction paragraph.

Part two: Once you have posted your answers, you will see your group mates. Reply with a minimum of 5 sentences to one person to help him / her improve their writing, ask a question and/or say what they did really well.

A ] Creating the Hook

Create 4 different kinds of hooks about the subject of this introduction – remember that this time we are focusing on chapters 4,5,6:

  1. Write an interesting statistic/fact about this subject that most people do not know – quote your source
  1. Write a famous quote which may apply to this subject – put the quote in quotation marks (author of quote)
  1. Write an important question that we might ask about the topic. [do not ask about bidding as the reader may not know what this is]
  1. Write a bit of wisdom / old saying you know that is suggested by this subject. It can come from the USA or your country.

Look at your 4 hooks and decide which one you like the best and use that one in your paragraph 🙂

B ] Background information:

1. Write a sentence that explains your favorite hook and relate it to the book, using author name and book title.

2. Write a sentence that introduces who the author of the book is – profession, life experiences that are important.

3. Write 3 sentences telling what the book is about. Define important terms like emotional command systems, emotional heritage, and emotional communication skills in your own words. Focus on chapters 4,5,6.

4. Write 3 sentences explaining why the book is important and why someone should read it.

C ] Make a thesis statement to include the following:

John Gottman’s text The Relationship Cure addresses the importance of really understanding ourselves and others to promote healthy relationships, with which I agree or with which I disagree.

D] NOW: Put all those sentences together in paragraph form and write your introduction:

Discussion #10B – Rough Draft Conclusion Essay 2

Part one: Create the following sentences required below and then put them together into your conclusion paragraph.

Part two: Once you have posted your answers, you will see your group mates. Reply with a minimum of 5 sentences to one person to help him / her improve their writing, ask a question and/or say what they did really well.

A] Write a college level transition and connect it to a restatement of your thesis in different words: DO NOT use in conclusion, to conclude, in sum, in summary, in the end, overall.

B] DO NOT USE Summary. Because we already have a summary paragraph, we are going to make an action oriented conclusion.

1. Gottman idea [quote sandwich]:
Use a transition and then summarize one of Gottman’s suggestions for improving one’s relationship that you have not yet mentioned in your essay:

Use context + a quote to illustrate Gottman’s suggestion:

Write an explanation sentence on how this idea will improve someone’s relationships:

2. Your idea: Make you own suggestion for improving one’s relationships

Use a transition and then make a suggestion of your own for improving relationships:

The write 2 sentences explaining your suggestion and how it will improve other’s relationships.

3. Make a call to action:

Write 3 sentences encouraging readers to change how they interact with others to improve relationships. You may also make a prediction, give advice, use a quote or ask a question if that works for you.

D] Put all of your sentences together in paragraph form to write your 10-12 sentence conclusion below. Remember the very last sentence to be a sentence in your own words – no quotes or questions.

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Initial Learning Objective Report Discussion Questions


Initial Learning Objective Report – STHM3185 – Internship I

As part of the STHM 3185 – Internship I experience, you will be required to develop Learning Objectives throughout the course of the semester to continue developing yourself professionally.  Each month, you will be required to develop two (2) new learning objectives for the following month to complete.  Each Learning Objective will be based around one of the eight (8) career competencies Download eight (8) career competenciesemployers are seeking in graduates.  For definitions on each career competency, refer to the Career Competency Definitions document listed in the Syllabus section of Canvas.

For the two (2) required learning objectives, one learning objective must be established within the STHM Designed Competency for the month.  The other learning objective may be within competencies of your choosing.  

Purpose of Learning Objectives:

Learning Objectives are statements that clearly define what you intend on learning over the course of the next month of your internship experience.  It is also important to remember the internship course is for academic credit, which learning objectives will be used to evaluate final grading and not just the hours completed at the internship site.  The learning objectives will be used to ensure you are building a foundational skill base that will be beneficial as you move forward in your early career.  The learning objectives should help the student, Site Supervisor, and University Supervisor evaluate the learning progress at the conclusion of each month.  Learning objectives should not try to cover all aspects of the internship, but rather focus on select areas you will be exposed to throughout the internship.  Each Learning Objective should involve new learning, expanded growth, or improvement on the job.  

Learning Objective Guidelines:

Follow the guidelines below when writing your Learning Objectives.  You will be required to rewrite the Learning Objectives at a lower point score if they do not follow the guidelines or meet requirements.  

Learning Objectives are a collaborative effort between the student and Site Supervisor.  Your Site Supervisor must agree on the objectives and tasks necessary to accomplish them.

Each Learning Objective must be specific, measurable, and limited to a single definite result.  A measurable Learning Objective is a statement that clearly and precisely describes what it is that you intend to accomplish by performing a task(s).  Think about the Start of Semester Career Competency Assessment you recently completed.  What areas did you rate yourself lower in?  These would be ideal items to focus on establishing Learning Objectives. 

When developing Learning Objectives:

  • Avoid broad and general objectives; make them specific and as measurable as possible
  • The objectives should be realistic considering the time constraint (one month to complete).  How would you accomplish the objective (be specific)?
  • What knowledge (be specific) do I want to acquire during the internship?
  • What new skills do I want to master?

The following are examples of tasks or goals; they are not learning objectives:

  • I want to work on PowerPoint presentations.
  • I want to answer questions about various programs offered.
  • I want to undertake projects that enable me to gain further experience in sales.
  • I want to participate as a team member in day to day office tasks.
  • I want to attend meetings.

Examples of strong learning objectives:

  • I will network and establish professional contacts in the marketing industry by attending PR events and attending client meetings, with a goal of establishing ten relevant contacts.
  • I will become proficient in Microsoft Excel by creating financial spreadsheets to be used to conduct company financial analyses. My spreadsheets and written analysis will be evaluated by my site supervisor
  • I will develop stronger people skills and learn how to establish a strong customer relationship by attending client meetings and listening to telephone conversations. I also will conduct three practice client presentations to department staff, and assist with at least one actual client presentation. My supervisor will evaluate my skills in these presentations.

Quality of work:

You will be evaluated on how much effort and depth of tough you put into your assignments, on your professionalism in written communication, and on your work ethic and the quality of your assignments. Effective time management will be critical to your success in this course. To be successful in this course, keep in mind the following items:

  • Focus on your writing. College quality work is grammatically correct and free of typographical errors. Points will be deducted for mechanical and structural errors such as capitalization, punctuation, spelling, misuse of words, formatting, paragraph structure, fragments and run on sentences, etc. Communication skills are the #1 skill employers seek, and strong written skills can make or break whether you get an interview, job offer, or promotion. 
  • Please be sure to thoroughly proofread your work; failure to do so will impact your grade on assignments. 

Learning Objective #1 – Must focus on Oral / Written Communication Career Competency and be a minimum of 300 words

  • Must focus on the Oral / Written Communication Career Competency
  • Focusing on this career competency, what specifically do you want to accomplish?  Be detailed and specific.  
  • Why is this learning objective important to your career development?  Why did you select this over another objective?  Be detailed and specific.  
  • What are the exact steps you will need to take to ensure successful completion of this objective?  Be detailed and specific.

Learning Objective #2 – Must be a minimum of 300 words

  • Which Career Competency will this Learning Objective focus on?  Why did you select this competency?
  • Focusing on this career competency, what specifically do you want to accomplish?  Be detailed and specific.  
  • Why is this learning objective important to your career development?  Why did you select this over another objective?  Be detailed and specific.  
  • What are the exact steps you will need to take to ensure successful completion of this objective?  Be detailed and specific.

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GCWCCD Education Is the Best Weapon Against Poverty Analytical Skills Discussion


I’m working on a other presentation and need a sample draft to help me study.

Please create a five-minute speech about one of the topics from the attached file. Then, please explain why you chose the topic you did.

List the main resources you have collected at this time. Thank you!