Programming Homework Help

ECON 4320 University of Michigan R Script Task


Need both R script and a word file answers.

The assignment link is here:…

For this assignment, I need first choose 5 variables and finish all rest answers. And then, start a new one and choose another 5 variables and finish all rest answers.

This is two set assignments. Same questions, BUT need two set of answers. One is for me and the other is for my friends. Need two individual works, two set of R scripts and word file answers. I pay extra money on this order.

Programming Homework Help

Data Mining Project


I’m working on a python exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please download chalrsebookclub dataset from the link – (since i cannot attach the csv)

This dataset examines associations among transactions involving various types of books. The database includes 2000 transactions, and there are 11 different types of books. Please use jupyter notebook and python

a) Drop the following columns ‘Seq#’, ‘ID#’, ‘Gender’, ‘M’, ‘R’, ‘F’, ‘FirstPurch’, ‘Related Purchase’, ‘Mcode’, ‘Rcode’, ‘Fcode’, ‘Yes_Florence’, ‘No_Florence’. Plot the support count for each item in the dataset using barplot.

b) Find the frequent itemsets with the min_support =5%.

d) Define min_confidence= 0.5 and print the 25 rules with the highest lift alongside their corresponding support, confidence, and lift.

e) Filter rules by number of antecedents (maximum 2) and consequents (maximum 1) and print the rules with their support, confidence, and lift.

Programming Homework Help

Saudi Electronic University Create a Javascript Computer Coding Task


The project in JavaScript

Transportation project Project Idea The transportation company wants to outsource its cars and planes to a number of drivers or pilots. Therefore, the idea of the application is to help them customize the car, whether it is a car or a plane for the driver or a qualified pilot, so that the plane is assigned to the pilot and the cars are allocated to a driver.


1-Create a Class for the vehicles and define their properties such as (Name, Manufacturer, ID).

2-Creating the Class for the car so that it inherits from the Class the vehicles, with defining the characteristics of the vehicle (gas or electric vehicle type).

3- Create a Class for the Airplane so that it inherits from the Class of Vehicles, with the aircraft characteristics defined (aircraft type ..).

4- Create a Class with the name employee to represent the employees and define its characteristics (name, ID, date of birth).

5- Create a Class Driver so that it inherits from Class employees with additional driver characteristics defined such as licenseID.

6- Create a Class Flyer so that it inherits from the Employee Class with additional pilot properties defined such as licenseID.

7- Create a Booking Class that contains the driver and his / her vehicle (reservationDate, employeeId, vehiclesId, reservationID).

8- After creating a mixed, blended, mixed, blended, extruded, scrambled, two planes.

9-Write a function that receives the employee’s id with the vehicle id and verify, in the event that the employee is a pilot and the vehicle is a car, a message of their incompatibility will be printed, and if the employee is a pilot and the vehicle is a plane, an object will be created and stored in the Class reserved.

10 -Save all reservations into an array.

11- Print the array’s content using the map function.

Programming Homework Help

SWE 440 CTU Online Budgeting Estimation Asessment


You are now ready to start the development effort for the financial management software. The CIO stopped by your office and stated that before the project could begin he wants you to prepare a risk assessment, human resource plan, and work breakdown schedule for the project for his review and approval. The CIO also wants to validate that you have the appropriate stakeholders identified for the project. Build upon the assignment deliverable from Unit 2 to help you prepare You prepared a risk assessment and human resources plan in the previous week. Based on your previous report and after reviewing the project plan, the CIO has identified several concerns. The CIO has asked you to conduct research on project budgeting and estimation tools. You have been asked to incorporate project estimates techniques using PERT, Analogous, and Delphi into the software development plan. Make sure you also could include a discussion on Metrics as part of the project deliverable.

Also you will be submitting the overall plan, known as the Key Assignment Draft in the upcoming Discussion Board for a peer review. Please make sure your overall plan includes the items mentioned above and these items:

  • a company name
  • identify a software application/software development project
  • determine which software development method you would use and justify your recommendation
  • provide an outline of the software development project plan based on the development method you selected
  • also include project oversight considerations such as risk management, scheduling, budget, and configuration management

Programming Homework Help

700 words


You are to write a proposal for a dissertation. The eventual dissertation must be related to the use of machine learning in financial technology. You are to come up with some form of application (e.g. credit card fraud, stock prediction, crowdfunding etc). The use of programming (e.g. Python) for machine learning is expected.In the proposal, explain what you are going to do, the machine learning techniques you will be using, the software and datasets you will be using, and the expected results.

Programming Homework Help

Prairie View A & M University Information Communication in the Digital Age Lab Report


Assignment Title: Laboratory Project 5 –

Creating a Simple Website Using Notepad & HTML Project Description:

This project requires you to create your personal website applying the knowledge you have acquired in class. You will use normal Notepad as a text editor ( or Notepad++) to create the web pages. The website will have a start (home) page. Create a new folder in C: directory and name it as your name.html ◆ Save the file as about.html in the created directory c:your name.html ◆ Test / View / Edit using your browser ◆ It will also have the following pages as links on the home (start) page. } A link to the PVAMU Website. Clicking the link must open the University website. } A link to your favorite educational site (only one site). The project is due on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. You must submit it electronically through CANVAS.

Programming Homework Help

Alabama Aviation College Write a Program Code Java Programming Task


Question 1-3


Implement a Stack


note: work should be done in eclipse for all the questions( please download eclipse). send to me zipped if possible

For this assignment, you will implement a Stack data structure. A stack can be implemented in several different ways. It is not inherently a node-based data structure, but you could implement it using nodes if you like.

The most important thing to remember with stacks is the way they push, pop, and peek data.

  • push() : adds an element to the top/front of the stack
  • pop() : removes the first element from the stack, and returns it.
  • peek() : returns the first element from the stack without removing it.

Your stack should be able to support all of these functions. For example, you might have something like the following:

public class Stack {
    private Node top;

    public void push(Node newNode) {
        // your implementation here
    public Node pop() {
        // your implementation here
    public Node peek() {
        // your implementation here
 Ques 2. Instructions

For this task, you will have to implement a Linked List, which is a node-based data structure. This will be easier than it seems. Recall that a node-based data structure is simply a collection of "node" objects. Each node object contains a reference to one or more other nodes, and a bit of data. Thus, your node might look like this:
public class Node {
    Node next;
    Integer data;
Of course, if you wanted to use generics, you could create a generic Node class which used the generic type for the "data" variable too.
A LinkedList Class might then look like this:
public class LinkedList { 
    Node head;
    // utility methods
}A node for a Linked List might be improved by having an "add()" method with special behavior: when invoked, the "add()" method will traverse the linked list to add a given node to the end of the list.
algorithm add is:
    input: Node newNode -> The new node to add
    let "currentNode" = head;
    while != null
        current = = newNode
 Ques 3
In the JavaScript module, you designed a website that would let users convert between one type of unit and another. Now you're going to do the same thing, but in a Java application that runs in the console.
In Eclipse, create a new Java Project named "UnitConverter"
In the UnitConverter project, create a package named "main"
Inside the main package, create a class named Converter, which has a main(String[]) method.
Inside this main(String[]) method, your code should follow this pattern:
Create an int variable named menuSelection
Inside a while loop, with the condition menuSelection != /*last menu option */Using System.out.println(), print a menu with numbered options. For example:Please select an option:
1. Cups to Teaspoons
2. Miles to Kilometers
3. US Gallons to Imperial Gallons
4. Quit
Use a Scanner object to collect the user's menuSelection
switch on the selection to collect the user's quanity of the first unit, convert to the second unit, and print the output.

note: if the below is difficult to work on then it okay. but make sure the above runs well. 
that's basically it! But from here, there are a lot of improvements you could make...
Break the input collection to a seaprate methodprivate static double collectQuantity(String unit1, String unit2) { ... }

Break each unit conversion to a separate methodpublic double convertCelsiusToFarenheit(double qty) { ... }

Instead of the user selecting their conversion directly from the first menu, have two layers of menus:Volume conversionsTeaspoons to Tablespoons
Teaspoons to Cups

Distance conversionsFeet to Meters
Miles to Kilometers


Programming Homework Help

AIU ONLINE Parallel Int Arrays in Main Discussion


Develop a C# console application that implements two parallel int arrays in Main, one called apartment and the other called rent. Each array will hold 5 integer values. Use an initializer to fill the apartment array with the values {123, 204, 601, 609, 612}. Use an initializer to fill the rent array with the values {500, 750, 495, 800, 940}.

Create two static methods, one called getRent and one called printit. When the getRent method is called from Main you should pass the apartment array by reference, the rent array by reference and the apartment number console entry.

In the getRent method you should use a for loop to match apartment number passed to the method and match it to the apartment numbers in the apartment array that was passed to the getRent. When a match is found in the apartment number array call the printit method from the getRent method and pass by value the apartment number and the matching rent value from the rent array to the printit method.

In the printit method print the apartment number and the rent for that apartment to the console as shown in the output example below. When you print the output, instead of using a string concatenation (Console.WriteLine(“Rent for apartment # ” + choice + ” is $” + rent);) use a StringBuilder object. The string parts of the message (“Rent for apartment #” and ” is $”) should be declared as separate strings. Using the StringBuilder object methods, you will append the two strings and two integer values together and write the final appended output to the console. The appends and output should all be done in the print method.

Enter the apartment number 601
Rent for apartment # 601 is $495
Press any key to continue . . .