Programming Homework Help

California University RMarkdown File with Code Computer Coding Task


  1. Find the most common bigrams in Wells’ novels. Show a chart and your code with comments.
  2. Show tf-idf frequency in faceted graphs of Wells’ novels.
  3. Determine how often the word ‘not’ precedes another word in Wells’ novels. Show a table.

The e-copy of the text can be found here for reference: even though the text and GitHub might contain code, use your words so that there is no plagiarism. I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my mac and pdf of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help

Alabama Aviation College HTML Pages and Visual Studio Code Project


QUES 1. Instructions

Download the file (attached in word just copy and paste it in Visual studio and follow the instructions where it says your turn.) and take the necessary steps to open it up in Visual Studio Code. YOU can name it lab15


In the past, we have been including our script element in the head of our html page, but now we will have to rethink this.

Since we aim to interact with the elements on the page, we must consider how html pages are rendered. 

HTML pages are processed and rendered top-bottom, so where you place your <script> element actually matters. 

If you place a <script> element in the <head>, a page might take longer to “load” (visually render content) because the browser has to interpret the script before it renders content in the <body> element. However, if that content depends on the output of some JavaScript code, that code will have to finish before the content can be rendered correctly.

On the other hand, if your JavaScript code depends on certain html elements existing, then you must ensure that the elements load first (one way to accomplish this is by adding the <script> element at the end of the file).

Additionally, if you place the <script> element at the bottom of an HTML document, the page will appear to load faster (the content will be visually rendered before the scripts are interpreted), but the page content therefore cannot depend on the output of any JavaScript.

In this case because we are going to access html elements in our index.html, we want to move our script element from the head to the bottom of the body. 


Move the script element from the top of index.html to the bottom so that now your index.html looks like this: attached is HTML file copy and past in Visual Studio Code. just follow this instructions and send it in zip file to me . u can name it in the vsc as index.html

<!DOCTYPE html> 

          <title>DOM Manipulation</title>
          <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles/style.css”>
          <div class = “row” id =”pageHeaderRow”>
                 <div class = “col-12” id = “pageHeaderDiv”>
                        <h1 id=”pageHeader”>DOM Manipulation</h1>
          <div class= “row”>
                  <div class= “col-12” id = “activityListDiv”>
                            <h2 id=”activityListHeader”>Activities:</h2>
                           <ol id = “activityList”>
                                 <li>Modify existing elements
                                           <li>Change content </li>
                                           <li>Change attribute values</li>
                                    <li>Add elements</li>
                                    <li id = “modifyMe”>Modify me!</li>
                                    <li id=”removeMe”>Remove Me!</li>
               <script src= “scripts/script.js”></script>

QUES 2. 

Begin writing your own JavaScript functions. 


Download the file (attached below) and take the necessary steps to open it up in Visual Studio Code.

Complete the exercises in the script.js file.  name the file script.js in vsc

Ques 3. 


Download the (attached)file and take the necessary steps to open it up in Visual Studio Code.

Complete the exercises in the script.js file. 

Ques 4. Explore functions as objects and constructor functions.


Download the (attached) file and take the necessary steps to open it up in Visual Studio Code.

Complete the exercises in the script.js file. 

Ques 5. Follow the instructions below

Then progress through the examples and your turn activities. copy and paste  in Visual Studio below instructions.

//Your work goes here.


Comparison operators 

==, ===, <, >, <=, >= 

Boolean operators 

|, &, ||, &&, !



== operator */

console.log(“== operator:”);

let a = 5; 

let b = 5; 

console.log(“5 == 5”, a==b);

b = “5”; 

console.log(“5 == ‘5’”, a==b);


== tests if two values are equal. But JavaScript will

coerce (change the datatype) of certain values before 

performing the comparison. */

/*Your turn

Assign ‘b’ a string that contains numerical digits. Assign the variable ‘a’

a number that the will cause == to consider the two 

variables equal. 

Print the result to the console. */



Comparison operator that compares the type as well as the 

value. */

console.log(“nn=== operator”)

a = “5”;

b = 5; 

console.log(“5 === ‘5’”, a===b);


>, >= */

//Works as expected with numbers 

console.log(“nn > , >= operators”)



//Can be used with strings 


console.log(“‘b’>’a'”, “b”>”a”);

console.log(“‘a’>=’a'”, “a”>=”a”);

console.log(“‘abc’>’abb'”, “abc”>”abb”);

/*Your turn

Compare two numbers using the less than operator.

Print the result. 

Compare two strings using the less than operator. 



The or opertor 



console.log(“nnBoolean operators:”);

a = false;

b = 5>0;

let solution = a || b;

console.log(“false || true”, solution);

/*Your turn

Assign solution the result of a and b*/

console.log(“false && true”,solution);


The not operator


solution = !(5>0);

console.log(“!(true expression)”,solution);


What if we apply boolean operations to

nonboolean values? */


console.log(“false || 56”, false || 56);


Turns out everything in JavaScript essentially has some

boolean value. Everything is truthy unless it’s falsy

The values that are falsey are: 

false, 0, null, undefined, “”, NaN */

/*Your turn

Copy and paste the next line out of the comment

console.log(“!(falsy value)”, !____);

Fill in the blank with a falsy value that isn’t the keyword false.


//Finished! Nice work! Remeber these things for 

//the conditional blocks lab. 

Programming Homework Help

Alabama Aviation College VS Code and Variable Creation Project


copy and paste attached files into the visual studio before you follow the instruction in it

Que 6.

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions

Ques 7

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions

Ques 8

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions


Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions


Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions. In this assignment, there are errors in the script.js file.

Ques 11

copy and paste the instruction below in VS code. Follow the instructions. I

n this assignment, file. //Your work belongs in this file.



//True or false values

console.log(“Boolean example:”); //Prints the text: Boolean example:

let booleanVariable = true;//creates variable booleanVariable, with value true

console.log(booleanVariable);//Prints booleanVariable’s value

console.log(typeof booleanVariable);//Print booleanVariable’s type


typeof is a special operator in JavaScript.

It returns the type of the value or variable that follows.


/*Your turn

Create a variable using the keyword const.

The name of this variable should be candyIsHealthy.

Assign this variable a boolean value.

Print the value of candyIsHealthy to the console.




console.log(“nNumber example:”);

let number = -12.4;


console.log(typeof number);

/* Your turn

Create a variable using the keyword var.

The variable can be named whatever you want.

Assign it a number */

//Numbers can be expressed within this range

console.log(Number.MIN_VALUE+” to “+ Number.MAX_VALUE);//Prints the range of all Number types in JavaScript.


Numbers in JavaScript are stored in 64-bit IEEE format

so the smallest they can get is 5*10^(-324)

and the largest is roughly 1.7977 * 10^(308) */

/*Your turn

Type in this comment, next to Answer, a whole number that you think

given the above information might not be accurately represented using the

number datatype.




console.log(“nBigInt Example”);


let bigNumber = BigInt(Number.MAX_VALUE)+1n;




By typing n at the end of a number you indicate to JavaScript

that it is a bigint. Bigints allow you to accurately represent

arbitrarily large whole numbers. */

/*Your turn

Create a variable using the let keyword and try to

assign it the answer you gave above using big int notation.

Note to raise a number to a power you would use the operator **.

Also note- if you do a calculation with bigints every number that is involved

must be a bigint- having an n appended to it or by being converted using BigInt().



console.log(“nnString example:”);


let string = “This is a String”;

let string2 =’single quotes work too’;


console.log(typeof string );


console.log(typeof string2 );

/*Your turn

Assign a string value to a variable you created earlier

that holds a number.

Note you don’t need to redefine the variable to assign it a new value.

Print it to the console.*/


JavaScript is dynamically typed which allows us to

first assign a number to a variable and then later

assign a string. A variable can hold any kind of data

in JavaScript.*/



console.log(“Null example: “)

let nullVariable = null;


console.log(typeof nullVariable);


Using typeof null is deceiving.

This result is an “accident” because of the

way that javascript was first defined.

The actual type of null is indeed null.

It should be used to represent the absence

of a value that is intentionality set to not

have a value.*/



console.log(“Undefined example: “)

let undefinedVariable;



Meanwhile undefined is typically the value of

variables that have not be initialized. */

/*Your turn

Create a variable using either let or var

and print the result of using typeof

on your variable.

Then assign your new variable a value and use typeof

again- printing out the result.*/

//The final primitive is Symbol.

//Symbols are created using the function Symbol().

//This generates a value with type Symbol that JavaScript is

//guaranteed to consider unique.

//Symbols are used in the context of Objects and for now you don’t need

//to worry about the symbol type.

//We won’t talk about symbols much.


Programming Homework Help

Alabama Aviation College Stack Data Structure and VS Code Answer Project


Ques 12.

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code answer and edit errors. Follow the instructions

Que 13
there are errors in the index.html file as well as in the second file attached. Begin debugging the index.html file, there will be instructions in the comments. Next, take a look at the script.js file.

Ques 14

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code answer and edit errors. Follow the instructions

Ques 15

errors in the file attached correct them in

Ques 16

download Eclipse for this work below:

In this assignment, you will implement a Stack data structure.


For this assignment, you will implement a Stack data structure. A stack can be implemented in several different ways. It is not inherently a node-based data structure, but you could implement it using nodes if you like.

The most important thing to remember with stacks is the way they push, pop, and peek data.

  • push() : adds an element to the top/front of the stack
  • pop() : removes the first element from the stack, and returns it.
  • peek() : returns the first element from the stack without removing it.

Your stack should be able to support all of these functions. For example, you might have something like the following:

public class Stack {
    private Node top;

    public void push(Node newNode) {
        // your implementation here
    public Node pop() {
        // your implementation here
    public Node peek() {
        // your implementation here
 Ques 17 download Eclipse for this work below

For this task, you will have to implement a Linked List, which is a node-based data structure. This will be easier than it seems. Recall that a node-based data structure is simply a collection of "node" objects. Each node object contains a reference to one or more other nodes, and a bit of data. Thus, your node might look like this:
public class Node {
    Node next;
    Integer data;
Of course, if you wanted to use generics, you could create a generic Node class which used the generic type for the "data" variable too.
A LinkedList Class might then look like this:
public class LinkedList { 
    Node head;
    // utility methods
}A node for a Linked List might be improved by having an "add()" method with special behavior: when invoked, the "add()" method will traverse the linked list to add a given node to the end of the list.
algorithm add is:
    input: Node newNode -> The new node to add
    let "currentNode" = head;
    while != null
        current = = newNode

Programming Homework Help

I have a project to do in Database programming in .NET. Can someone help me, please?


I have a project to do in database programming in .NET. Can someone help me, please? I have a problem uploading the files for this project as they are not supported by this website so what shall I do?

Programming Homework Help

COSC 1436 Houston Community Word Separator in a Pig Latin Python Program


1. Word Separator

Write a program that accepts as input a sentence in which all of the words are run together
but the first character of each word is uppercase. Convert the sentence to a string in which
the words are separated by spaces and only the first word starts with an uppercase letter.
For example the string “StopAndSmellTheRoses.” would be converted to “Stop and smell
the roses.”

2. Pig Latin
Write a program that accepts a sentence as input and converts each word to “Pig Latin.” In
one version, to convert a word to Pig Latin you remove the first letter and place that letter
at the end of the word. Then you append the string “ay” to the word. Here is an example:

3. Vowels and Consonants
Write a program with a function that accepts a string as an argument and returns the
number of vowels that the string contains. The application should have another function that accepts a string as an argument and returns the number of consonants that the string
contains. The application should let the user enter a string and should display the number
of vowels and the number of consonants it contains.

Programming Homework Help

Shipping Program Project


Description of the Program:

Write a program that displays the total amount (including shipping) a customer owes to an online company. The user enters the total amount due before shipping. The amount for shipping is based on the customer’s membership which can be Premium or Standard. The shipping charges are the following:


Amount before shipping              



0- $1,000             


Over $1,000  



0- $500 


Over $500           


The program should use 2 program-defined functions. One to determine the shipping charges for the Premium membership and one for the Standard membership.