Science Homework Help

University of Pretoria Rate of Change in a Chemical System Discussion


I’m working on a biology question and need guidance to help me study.

Please paraphrase the attached document. 

Do not change the sources.

Biology and Nursing preferred, or background in science and environmental studies.

Science Homework Help

Pretoria Balance of the Removal of Soil Nutrients from Forests Discussion


I’m working on a biology question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Please paraphrase the attached document. 

Do not change the sources.

Biology and Nursing preferred, or background in science and environmental studies.

Science Homework Help

University of Pretoria Forest Soils and Climate Change Discussion


I’m working on a biology question and need guidance to help me learn.

Please paraphrase the attached document. 

Do not change the sources.

Biology and Nursing preferred, or background in science and environmental studies.

Science Homework Help

Concorde Career College Temperature and A Range of Moles Discussion


I’m working on a chemistry writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • Give an example of where you have seen one of these laws in your recent daily activity.
    • For example, you might have been driving up a mountain and had an empty water bottle in your car. That water bottle might have made some noise as the pressure changes were affecting it.
  • Along with the example above, state which gas law governs the behavior you have observed.
  • Explain exactly how what you observed is consistent with the law.

Science Homework Help

MA 278 Rasmussen Collage Parasympathetic Nervous System Discussion



The Autonomic Nervous System can be challenging to understand because it is connected to virtually every body function in opposite ways. We are going to explore the physiology of the ANS in this discussion by looking at specific examples of how it works.

For your first discussion post, describe how the parasympathetic nervous system influences one function in your body. For example, the parasympathetic nervous system causes decreased blood pressure. If you chose this body function, you would describe the physiology behind the decreased blood pressure. How does it happen? What occurs in the heart/blood vessels? Which scenarios or external factors would cause the parasympathetic nervous system to activate this response?

For your reply post, discuss the sympathetic nervous system’s influence on the function your peer chose. For example, if your classmate discussed the parasympathetic influences the diameter of your pupil, you need to describe how the sympathetic nervous system affects the diameter of your pupil.

Your post and reply should each be at least one paragraph long (about 4-5 sentences minimum). Try to use a body function that is unique from other examples already posted by other students. There are hundreds of options!

Science Homework Help

American University of Armenia Air Pollution Discussion


  1. Please watch this National Geographic Video to introduce you to the concepts for this assignment.
  2. Please review the Southern Environmental Law Center web page and view issues related to the environment in the Southeastern United States. You’ll notice you can view by the issues (in the blocks on the main page) or you can click on the “Our States” link on that main homepage and find issues related to a specific state, including Georgia.
  3. Using this website, investigate current environmental issues affecting the Southeastern United States. After previewing the website, choose one environmental issue affecting the Southeastern United States as the focus of your Environmental Issues Activity. Use the questions below (#5) to organize your written response. 
  4. In your narrative, please use the questions below to guide your research, create your narratives and complete your Environmental Activities Issues.  You should address all of the following questions:
    • Please describe the topic that you chose for your assignment and explain why you chose that particular topic.
    • Why is this an important environmental topic? Who/what/where is affected by this issue?
    • What can be done to lessen the impact or begin to remediate your environmental issue?activity 2

Science Homework Help

American University of Armenia Fisheries Sustainability Problems Discussion




  1. Please be sure you read the information above.  It is critical for the assignment.
  2. Watch the following videos:
    1. Introduction to Defining Sustainability (1 minute 9 seconds)
    2. How to Analyze Complex Problems (6 minutes 47 seconds)
  3. Read the article “Sustainable Fisheries ” 
  4. Instructions.  As you read and watch the videos, please take notes.  Begin to brainstorm your understanding of the topic.  Once you have a rough outline of the problem, please create a fishbone diagram of the sustainability problem involving fisheries.  The diagram should include the relevant factors that combine to cause the problem from the article. Be sure to identify factors from the economy, society, environment, and technology.

Science Homework Help

FIR 4311 Columbia Southern University American Burning Report Essay


Location is Houston, TX
America Burning Report Essay

For this assignment, you will present an overview of the history and philosophy of fire prevention with a focus on the America Burning Revisited report, and explain what your jurisdiction, community, or department is doing as a result of the report.

The following items should be included in your essay.

  • Identify major fires that led to the creation of fire codes and regulations near your location.
  • Explain how the history and philosophy of fire prevention has impacted current day fire prevention methods in your area or jurisdiction.
  • Compare and contrast the main contributors to loss-of-life fires and general safety provisions outlined in the America Burning Revisited report to the trends and general safety provisions in your own jurisdiction.

Science Homework Help

Chemistry Question Exam Practice


chemistry exa on monday at 8:30 am (arabian standard time)

chemistry exa on monday at 8:30 am (arabian standard time)

chemistry exa on monday at 8:30 am (arabian standard time)

chemistry exa on monday at 8:30 am (arabian standard time)