Science Homework Help

Bccc Single Cell and Body Functions Organ Systems Question


I’m working on a biology question and need guidance to help me learn.

According to the cell theories, a single cell can perform the functions of the whole body but at the cellular level. List the 11 organ systems and correlate their functions with a specific cell organelle. Explain your choices.

Science Homework Help

MIC 205 Arizona State University Flow of Energy in Respiration and Fermentation Paper


Describe the flow of energy from a glucose molecule to ATP during respiration, and compare this to the flow of energy from glucose to acids and alcohols during fermentation. Specifically, what carries the energy from glucose to ATP – what energy conversions must occur during the process. Compare the ATP production during respiration with ATP production during fermentation

Science Homework Help

GEOL 111 Rhode Island Relative Dating of Rocks Using Stratigraphics Lab Report


Introduction & Purpose:
The purpose of this lab is to learn and apply the concepts of relative dating to rocks, fossils and geologic events. The history and concepts of stratigraphy and the use of fossils for relative dating will be discussed. You will learn about the geologic timescale, how to determine relative ages, and the methods used by geologists to date events in Earth history. You will also get some practice in using the principles and techniques.

The Lab in files below

Science Homework Help

Florida Gulf Coast University Cairo Egypt Biome Location Discussion


Biomes are large regions of the world with similar plants and animals. Biomes are further subdivided into ecoregions, which are even more specific areas that have similar vegetation, elevation, and climate. Plants and animals in a particular biome have adaptations (Links to an external site.) that help them survive in their particular environment. For example, the arctic foxes that live in the polar biome have thick white fur. The white fur is an adaptation or trait that helps them survive in their biome. This white fur allows them to blend in with the snow so that predators don’t notice them. Adaptations can be physical traits or behavioral traits.

For this week’s discussion, I’d like everyone to talk about a place that they’ve lived, visited or would like to visit. This place doesn’t need to be exotic or amazing, just a place that you’ve been or you’d like to go. Anywhere more than 100 miles from your current residence qualifies.

When describing this place in your post, include the following information:

1. Location: (place name, country, city/state if applicable)

2. The location’s biome. Once you find out the biome or ecoregion, you may have to do a little more internet research about it to find lists of animals and plants that are native to that biome.

For help, you can use your textbook or refer to the following links:

Finding your biome outside the US:

Finding your biome in the US:

Finding your biome in a large urban environment:

3. The general climate of this destination. Be sure to talk about seasonal temperatures and precipitation. Is there a cold season/warm season? A dry season? Does elevation play a factor?

4. List 2 animals that are unique to this biome. For each species, tell me one adaptation that animal has and explain how that structure or behavior helps them survive. These should be animals you would find at this destination but not at home. Think about the physical or behavioral characteristics (adaptations) these animals and plants have that allow them to thrive in this biome and not in other places on earth. Describe how that structure or behavior allows that animal to survive in that environment.

5. One plant and one of its adaptations. Again, it should be a plant you would find at this destination but not at home. Tell me 1 adaptation that this plant has that helps it live there. Describe how that structure allows that plant to specifically survive in that environment.

Don’t write “This plant likes dry soil” or something similar. No plant likes dry soil. “Liking” is not an adaptation. Rather, you might say “This plant has deep roots that allow it to gather water in dry soil”. The deep roots are an adaptation. Name the actual structure the plant has that helps it survive.

If you can figure out how, include pictures (they don’t have to be your own). If you have a little mountain icon in your toolbar, you can click on that to insert an image. If its huge, resize it so it doesn’t take up everyone’s full screen.

Science Homework Help

FGCU Sustainable Approaches to Water Conservation Discussion


This is your first of four assignments related to the Sustainability Project

For this assignment, you will be proposing your Sustainability topic.

Good topics have the following characteristics:

1. They are related to one or more of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals (Links to an external site.)

2. They are related to a topic in this environmental science class

3. They are relevant. This isn’t something that happened 100 years ago.

4. They are specific.

5. They are focused on a specific region.

6. There is enough information out there about this topic, including information about potential solutions

What to hand in right now:

Write a 1 paragraph summary of your topic. Try to convince me that your topic is relevant and interesting. Upload your paragraph here.

Science Homework Help

UTAHSUE Kirchhoffs Rules Circuit Branches Loops & Junctions Lab Report


I’m working on a physics report and need guidance to help me understand better.

Lab is attached. if you cannot guarantee me an A please do not bid

Science Homework Help

AUA Marine Biology Hawaiian Island Questions


1) How is it that the beaches of Hawaii have different colored sand? Briefly, describe the process(es) that leads to green, red, black, and the white sand. How are shell beaches produced? (5 pts)

2) Are the Hawaiian Islands moving? Briefly describe how this process occurs. What will be Hawaii’s newest island be (in a few thousand years)?  (5 pts)

3) The Hawaiian and Galapagos Islands (as well as many other island chains) are home to many endemic species. Select either island chain, then describe 2 examples of endemic species found on that island chain (this will require additional resources). Try not to use the examples presented in the lecture sessions. (5 pts)

4)Lastly, briefly describe any experience you have had with marine life. What did you see? Where did you see it? If you have never been to the beach/ocean, have you been to an aquarium? Briefly describe your experience (there is no wrong response here….). (5 pts) 

Science Homework Help

HCC Voltages in Circuits Lab Report



– AC/DC Electronics Lab Board: Wire Leads, Resistors 

– D-cell Battery

– Multimeter

The purpose of this lab will be to continue experimenting with the variables that contribute to the operation of an electrical circuit. You should have completed Experiment 4 before working on this lab.