Science Homework Help

Moraine Valley Community College CH8 Equilibrium Potentials Anatomy Questions


You can download the book on the website called library genesis. Just search up below and it will come up.

Title: Human physiology: an integrated approach
Author(s): Silverthorn, Dee Unglaub; Johnson, Bruce R.; Ober, William C.; Silverthorn, Andrew C.; Ober, Claire E.
Publisher: Pearson
Year: 2016
ISBN: 9780134047195,0134047192,9780321750075,0321750071,9780321798602,0321798600,9780321810823,0321810821,9780321970336,0321970330,9780321981226,0321981227,9780805361179,0805361170,9781292094939,1292094931

It is a green cover and it’s the 7th edition.

The Exam will consist of these chapters (chapters 8, 10, and 11)

Questions to answer from each chapter

Ch 8: 1-26, 28, 29, 31

You will be required to tell me what happens to equilibrium potentials if I increase or decrease the intra or extracellular concentrations of sodium, chloride, potassium, or calcium ions. You will also need to know what happens to the membrane potential if you change its permeability to sodium, chloride, potassium, or calcium ions. You will be able to answer these questions much more rapidly if you understand the theory and do not spend time entering numbers into a calculator. There are additional exercises for you to work through in Content.

Ch 10: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10-17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29 (7th and 8th eds.), 32 (7th ed.), 33 (8th ed.)

Ch 11: 1-10, 12, 15, 17, 19 (7th and 8th eds.)

Figures to be well-practiced with:

(7th and 8th eds)

Ch 8: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, Table 8.2, Table 8.3, 7-14, 16, 17, 19-25

Ch 10: Table 10.1, Table 10.2, Figs 1-6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15-20, 22, 28-32

Ch 11: 1, 2, 4-10

Science Homework Help

CHEM 409 UNH WK 4 The Common Flocculants & Ferric Chloride Discussion


Science Homework Help

CHEM 323 GC Synthesis and Identification of Unknown Carboxylic Acid Lab Report



Show equivalent weight(EW) calculations for both trials and determine the average EW.

Draw the structure of the product and provide its IUPAC and common names.

Provide the balanced equation for the formation of the product.

Calculate thetheoretical yieldand % yieldof the productusing the dataand resultsgiven above (Show calcs).

Provide answers to Exercises 6, 7 and 8in the Lehman text

Science Homework Help

George Mason University The Altitude Azimuth Coordinate System Worksheet


My dear astrolabers,

This is an introductory activity. In this activity you are asked to make observations of the sky and take measurements using a “hand technique” described in the manual for this activity (see below). Before you go observing, read the manual carefully and get acquainted with the concepts discussed in the introduction. Make sure that you understand the instructions for how to use your hands to measure angular distances and sizes in the sky: the key is to have your arm fully extended, elbow straight (see figure 5 a) and that you can find the primary directions: north, east, south, and west.

You’ll need to repeat some of these observations on two separate occasions on the same night an hour or two apart, so plan carefully. Ideally I’d like you complete this activity before Monday, May 24th, 2021, 11:59 PM. If weather does not cooperate this due date may be extended.

Since this activity involves observing the sky and the weather is not predictable (astronomer’s bane ), I recommend that you attempt it on the first clear night. And sorry, a single observation will not serve the purpose, since one of the main objective is for you to look at how celestial objects move in the sky, so if you’re unlucky and it gets cloudy, you may have to re-do both observing sessions: it’s vital that they are done on the same night.

When going observing, take with you a pen or pencil, a copy of the worksheet (pages 6, 7 and 8), and take some extra paper for making sketches. It will help if you let your eyes adjust to the darkness, so avoid using your phone or any other light source for a few minutes each time before commencing your observations.

If you are unable to perform this observing activity due to health situation, COVID restrictions or fear for your safety and well being, bad weather, or other valid considerations, please contact me and I’ll offer you an extension or a make-up assignment.


After observing, you are asked to submit sketches and your worksheet, and then to take a quiz. You need to do both (submit sketches/worksheet and take the quiz) to be eligible for credit (regular and extra).

You need to combine the sketches and worksheets all into a single file before uploading – I’ll take points off for multiple files. Standard formats like MS Word or pdf are OK. Make sure that you make a SINGLE sketch for the eastern sky with positions of the star at the time of the 1st and 2nd observations shown on the same page (use different color and/or label) so they can be compared. Ditto for the northern sky sketch: show both observations on the same sketc

Science Homework Help

ASU Standardization of a Sodium Hydroxide Solution Lab Report


I need to get a full mark on this assignment. This assignment is about the Standardization of a Sodium Hydroxide Solution, and I attached the file below.

Science Homework Help

ENV 350 Environmental Science Energy Policy and Environment Essay


Original Description:

  • Market-driven regulation: Are carbon pricing and disclosure of climate-related financial risk the solution?
  • As you answer this question, you should:
    • Contextualize this approach within the broader policy-making process.
    • Identify the interests that are for and against this approach, and why they support or oppose it.
    • Identify and explain the central idea(s) this approach advances as important to understanding the policy process and the energy transition.
    • Identify the institutions best serve this combination of interests and ideas.
    • Provide real-world examples illustrating how these interests, ideas and institutions play out in policy and political debates. 

Science Homework Help

Auburn Career Center Human Bipedality Discussion


I’m working on a astronomy discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


It is apparent from the fossil record that between about 6 and 2 million years ago, a substantial set of changes occurred in the hominin lineage that eventually resulted in a very different kind of primate: humans. One of these major changes was the transition from a mixed terrestrial bipedal and arboreal climbing existence to an obligate, exclusively terrestrial bipedal one.

Bipedality is one of the determining traits of the hominins and is directly linked with our emergence and separation from the apes. But the question remains: why did this transition take place and what was so great about being a full-time biped?


  • Watch the Jeremy DeSilva video on the evolution of upright walking. Then, answer the question below based on the video and chapter 7 in your text.
    • Be sure to review the possible explanations for the emergence of human bipedality on pages 205 and 206.
  • What theory do you think best explains why walking upright provided an evolutionary advantage for our species? Why?
    • Write one paragraph for your initial post.
    • Then respond to two other students’ posts.

Science Homework Help

Southwestern Community Composition of Amino Acids and Peptides Lab Report


please answer the attached questions below on a word document, must be in your own words and if it asks you to draw a picture, you can draw it on paper and send me it if you would like