Science Homework Help

Vector Addition Report


Report Question 1

What factors could contribute to this sensitivity?

Report Question 2

Report the difference between what you’ve experimentally measured and what the simulation predicted. Are they within the expected sensitivity of the instrument?

Report Question 3

Include the results and work of this calculation in the lab report. Also, draw a graphical vector diagram that shows how the system should be in equilibrium.

Report Question 4

Give the details of this calculation and compare your analytical results with the the experimental results.

Draw a vector diagram that shows the table arrangement.


Include the name and number of experiment. Include your section number, and lab instructor‘s name as well your own.


In your own words, give a brief description of the main idea behind the experiment(s). Explain how to the topics explored in the experiment relate to the everyday world or a particular application in science. [1 point]

(the following sections might need to be repeated if there are multiple experiments in the same lab)


Describe briefly the procedure of the experiments. [1 point]


Data – Include all tables, graphs, and figures as required. Everything must be clearly and neatly labeled. Graphs must have titles, axes need to be labeled and have units.

Tables must have titles: Table 1: Distance (m) versus Time(sec)

Do not just hand in the scrap paper you used during lab. [3 points]

Questions – Answer all questions that were listed throughout the lab. Thoughts are clear, and give justification for your answers. [3 points]


State a summary of your results. Was the result what you expected? Why or why not? Include sources of error, “human error” is not acceptable, “incorrectly counting trials leading to…” is acceptable.

Make suggestions for improving the procedure, if any. Writing and grammar should be at university levels. (i.e. spelling and grammar are correct) [2 points]

Science Homework Help

Los Angeles City College Significance of Carbohydrates in the Human Body Brochure


Science Homework Help

Primate Family Tree & Different Clades of Primates Drawing


I’m working on a science project and need a sample draft to help me study.

This week, we’ve been learning about the living primates. In order to better understand the relationships between primates, in this assignment you will draw your own cladogram (taxonomic tree showing evolutionary relationships) of the major primate groups to both solidify and demonstrate your knowledge.


please go to the link and find chapter 5 and chapter 6

Science Homework Help

Fordham University DNA Replication & Eukaryotic Chromatin Packing Questionnaire


I’m working on a biology writing question and need support to help me study.

1. In your own words, describe the process of DNA replication in detail, including the names and functions of all proteins involved.
2. Sometimes DNA is damaged or copied incorrectly. How is DNA proofread? If anomalies are detected, how can DNA be repaired? Give specific examples.
3. Discuss eukaryotic chromatin packing in detail. Describe the successive layers of organization that result in the significant consolidation of the chromatin.
4. Describe the detailed changes to the mRNA molecule during eukaryotic post-transcriptional RNA processing, which occurs after transcription, but before translation.
5. Discuss gene expression and describe the functions of various non-coding RNAs.

Science Homework Help

BIO 101 LUC Tree of Life and Evolution Beak of The Finch Worksheet




1) What is meant by “The Tree of Life”, from what geological time period is Tiktalik found?

2) What are the first creatures thought to have had bony skeletons? What is a vertebrate? What is a Tetrapod?

3) What are pharyngeal gill slits? Do human embryos have them?  Do they support the relationship of all chordates?

4) What did Sir Richard Owin propose about the ancestry of all chordates, what information did he use to support his proposal, did the information come from fossils, the bones of living vertebrates or both?

5) What does “Developmental Patterning mean? Is developmental patterning conserved “similar” in all vertebrates?  Compare Humans with Tiktaalik to support your answer

6) What is meant by the term “Vertebrate Body Plan” what are the main parts of this plan?

7) What is Sonic Hedgehog and what does it do?

Evolution lab:

Science Homework Help

Fordham University W8 Pathogens Are Transferred from One Host to Another Essay


  1. Biofilms
  2. Bacterial Diseases 
  3. Viral Diseases
  4. Parasitic Diseases
  5. Biosensors
  6. Fungal diseases
  7. Environmental Microbiology

In order to prepare for your final project, you will begin by writing an outline of the topic of your choice and the article that you have chosen. If you are choosing diseases, then choose only one disease of your interest in that group. For example, if you would like to focus on bacterial diseases, then choose one disease (such as Anthrax) in this group that you want to focus on.

The outline should be at least 200 words in length.  Following are the instructions on how to write the outline.

  • Select a topic of your choice from the list above

Science Homework Help

Harvard University Chemistry Mole to Mole Practice Problems


Please help me with these mole to mole practice problems it is ok the keep the answer short and sweet while also giving guidance on how to do make conversion

Science Homework Help

Harvard University Blue Zones Research by Buettner and Skemp Essay


Blue Zones

Read :“Blue Zones: Lessons from the World’s Longest Lived” by Buettner and Skemp

What do you think are the important factors that contribute to the healthy long life experienced in the Blue Zones? AND why do you feel that these contribute to a healthy long life?

I am grading this on how well you use the data presented in the article to list and support your answers

No other resources are needed

Science Homework Help

Hope International University The Geologic Strata and Relative Age Dating Lab


part 1: The Geologic Strata and Relative Age Dating assignment is here:

Geologic Strata exercise.pdf

Print out these papers and answer the questions manually, then scan them as one pdf and submit to Canvas here.

Coaching Points

I like to view these as puzzles. You are given a particular geologic cross-section and you need to determine the series of events that arranged the rocks into the way they are now. It is important to use all the tools in your tool chest – that is the various principles (or laws) of geology such as the principle of cross-cutting relationships.

When doing these two cross-sections remember to not only get the geologic units in the right order but to do the other parts related to how they got that way.

Part 2

In this exercise, you will do a simulation of the random decay of radioactive elements and calculate the half-life.

If you are not in the lecture class and need a refresher on radiometric dating here is a short excerpt from the textbook

textbook intro to radiometric dating.pdf

There is also a very helpful YouTube video that demonstrates what we are doing and gives a bit more background to the science

Half-Life and Radioactive Decay

With that introduction, here is the Lab Assignment

Radioactive Decay Lab.pdf

And if you need graph paper, you can use the file from Week 1

3 graph paper.docx

And some supplementary reading if you are interested in a Christian Perspective on the topic:

Radiometric Dating – A Christian Perspective, by Roger Weins, PhD

Coaching Points

This exercise should be fairly straightforward. Follow the steps in the exercise and it is very close to the way it is done in the video.

It is important that as you collect the data that for each step you record the total number of parents and the total number of daughters – not the number of new daughters. Determine from the data (not the theory) the experimental half-life. And do it for several half-lives. That is, when was the first half-life reached at half the parents, when the second half-life at a quarter of the parents, and so on. You should be able to get four of them and then average them together to get your experimental result.

With that experimental half-life then you need to rearrange the equation in step 5 so solve for lambda, the decay constant.