Writing Homework Help

POLS 3370 University of Guelph Sustainable Development Discussion


Case-Based Discussion 01: United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

To begin the first case-based discussion, watch the video, Reflecting on Rio: Looking Back to 1992, which can be accessed through Ares (select Ares on the navbar). After watching the video, review the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. There are 17 goals in total, all of which have their own sub-targets and indicators for progress towards the 2030 deadline. Choose one goal (by clicking on the icon), and have a look at the various targets and indicators. Then, ask yourself the following questions:

  • To what extent do these targets represent a contribution to or a departure from earlier thinking about sustainable development?
  • To what extent are the goals and targets achievable?

Post your response and reply to your groupmates’ postings in the Case-Based Discussion 01 forum.


•Website – Unit 03

• Textbook (Dryzek) – Chapter 7

  • Ares:
  • o “Sustainable development goals for people and planet,” in Nature

    Writing Homework Help

    CU Module 12 Ross Ulbricht vs the United States Case Discussion


    I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

    1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please discuss the case involving the United States of America versus Ross Ulbrecht. Please include what took place at the United States Supreme Court.

    Writing Homework Help

    University of Phoenix Positive & Negative Influence of Media in Children Essay


    Choose one of the following topics and write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing the current professional literature on the topic. Many of these topics are broad and you may choose to focus your research on a more specific area of the topic, such as children showing resiliency when dealing with divorce. With instructor approval, you may select a topic that is not on the list below.

    • Resiliency in children
    • Gender differences in infancy and childhood
    • Effects of day care
    • Attachment styles
    • Causes and effects of child abuse and neglect
    • Effects of divorce on children
    • Prenatal influences
    • Prematurity, medical interventions, and long-term outcomes
    • Pros and cons of grade retention
    • Language development
    • Media influences on children
    • Influences on school readiness
    • Bullying causes, preventions, and interventions
    • Development of creativity
    • Sex differences in mental abilities
    • Effects of parental death on children
    • Emerging adulthood
    • Gender differences concerning aging
    • Midlife crisis
    • Adapting to life changes during adulthood
    • Developmental issues related to nontraditional families
    • Caring for aging parents
    • Victimization of the elderly
    • Death with dignity
    • Right to die

    Writing Homework Help

    MIS 201 Saudi Electronic University Management Information System Amazon Case Study


    Presentation must have the following format:

    • First slide: Group members name and Student id & Title of the Project 
    • Company Profile
    • Strategies                                                                                                                 
    • Technology Involved                                                                                                  
    • Analysis of Existing System                                                                                               
    • Possible solutions and suggestions 
    • Conclusion’
    • References

    Writing Homework Help

    PSY 300LV Montgomery County Community College Crisis intervention Paper


    This essay is called an ‘evidence-based therapeutic intervention paper’. I have picked substance abuse (alcohol) as a target crisis. the paper needs at least 5 academic journals and I’m attaching what I found and used as an earlier assignment as well as a paper guidelines, rubrics. It should be formatted in APA.

    • Introduction/description of the crisis (minimum of 1/2 page) – 10 points
    • Prevalence of the crisis in society & Historical context of the crisis (minimum of 1/2 page) – 10 points 
    • Interventions/best therapeutic practice (minimum of 2 pages) – 50 points
    • Critical Analysis of the findings & Biblical application (1 to 2 pages) – 25 points

    Writing Homework Help

    Pitt Community College Management of the Sunshine Daycare Center Discussion


    I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me study.

    Financial Management-Level 1

    Develop a written fee policy which could be provided as a handout to parents of children in your center

    The policy must include:

                   Amount of fees (reflecting varying amounts based on age if appropriate)

                   Any discount you may offer

                   What types of payment are  accepted

                   Fees for returned checks (if you accept checks)

                   When fees are due (the less complicated the better for parents)

                   Consequences for late payment (be specific)

                   Any plan for families in crisis

    Make sure this is in a readable and understandable format for your families.  Also, do your research—be sure that your fees are appropriate for the type of program you have and your community.  If a consequence for late payment is expulsion, be sure to include steps for child to be reinstated.

    Writing Homework Help

    Berkeley College Importance of Nature in The Poem by Robert Frost Essay


    I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

    The Art of Poetry:One paragraph:Please discuss the importance of nature in the poem by Robert Frost. 500 words 

    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


    Whose woods these are I think I know.   

    His house is in the village though;   

    He will not see me stopping here   

    To watch his woods fill up with snow.   

    My little horse must think it queer   

    To stop without a farmhouse near   

    Between the woods and frozen lake   

    The darkest evening of the year.   

    He gives his harness bells a shake   

    To ask if there is some mistake.   

    The only other sound’s the sweep   

    Of easy wind and downy flake.   

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

    But I have promises to keep,   

    And miles to go before I sleep,   

    And miles to go before I sleep.

    -Information:The poetry of Robert Frost (1874-1963) is known throughout the world. Three reasons  for such broad appreciation of his poetry are: 1) his very insightful appreciation and understanding of the human condition; 2) his creative capacity and the beauty of his poetry; and 3) the clarity of his language. Frost aimed to create a poetic language that could be readily understood.

        “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is one of Frost’s most famous poems. In the first two stanzas the persona speaks about the sense of isolation which he feels on this “darkest evening of the year.” The fact that his horse senses that this is unusual is further affirmation of the awareness that this is a problematic moment. The first line of the fourth stanza implies that there is something tempting about the profound tranquillity of the dark and deep forest. One possible interpretation of the last three lines of the fourth and final stanza of the poem is that the persona, when he says that he has “miles to go” before he sleeps, means that he is not ready to die or that he is not ready to stop being creative. Or to state this more positively, the persona asserts that he has the capacity to be more creative and productive and is not prepared to “sleep” (that is, metaphorically, to stop being creative and to die).

        In “Out, Out–” Frost criticizes a system of labor or work which allows children or young people to perform heavy labor. The young boy in the poem dies because of a severe injury which he suffers while operating machinery which is too difficult for him. The boy is not old enough to handle the saw properly. Frost also suggests at the end of the poem that the individual really suffers and dies alone–the rest of society is indifferent to the suffering, hardship, and demise of the individual.

        In “Mending Wall” Frost articulates the inevitable differences between the two neighbors, one of whom tries to achieve a reconciliation or a sense of harmony, while the other wants to preserve a sense of distance. The latter believes strongly that “good fences make good neighbors.” There is also the implication that Frost’s neighbor has inherited this belief in the importance of a sense of distance between neighbors from his father. One of the lines in the poem which clearly distinguishes the two neighbors and their approaches to life is line 24: “He is all pine and I am apple orchard.”

        “Acquainted with the Night” first appeared in Last-Running Brook, Frost’s fifth volume of poetry, which is considered by some critics to represent a shift in his work towards dark and personal themes. The speaker in the poem is alone and isolated from the world around him. The form of the poem is “terza rima,” which is the form Dante, the great Italian poet, used so effectively. One could interpret the persona or speaker of the peom as representing the poet who is observing humanity and the world around him thoughtfully from a distance. There is a melancholy tone here because the poet exists at a distance from the world which he sensitively describes and portrays.

        Some of Frost’s other important poems are “Birches,” “Desert Places,” “Fire and Ice,” “Design,” “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” “The Road Not Taken,” and “The Silken Tent.

    Intercultural Communication: How do you think the United States becoming a “minority-majority” nation will influence dominant culture values? 

    Writing Homework Help

    Bethel College Alice Walker Everyday Use Discussion


    I’m working on a english discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.


    Knowing about the author can help you better understand the story as you read and analyze it. I want you to answer the following questions in essay format to start you off with a background before you read the story.

    1. Summarize the facts of the author’s birth, family and social position, main gifts or handicaps, education, and entry into writing.

    2. Describe briefly, with dates, the more important of the author’s earlier works, giving special attention to the work immediately preceding the story under study.

    3. What specific circumstances led the author to write this story? To what extent did she/he depart from the sort of fiction she/he had written up to this point? What persons, events, or other autobiographical materials does this story reflect, and with what modifications? What account of her/his inspirations and problems with this story did the author provide through letters, prefaces, journals, and the like?

    4. By focusing upon sample details of this story, show how this biographical information (questions 1 and 3) helps to explain the design of the work.

    5. What main features of social tension or stability in his/her own times did the author treat in this story? (e. g, ideology, war, economics, technology, daily life, etc.)? Explain, using both this story and such outside sources as personal statements by the author, histories of the period, etc.

    6. By focusing upon sample details of the story, show how this historical information (question 5) helps to explain the design of the story.

    7. What authors, literary circles, or movements did the present author support, attack, imitate, join, or depart from? Why?

    Writing Homework Help

    Laissez Faire Economics Free Trade Policy Brief Paper


    A short document that presents the findings and recommendations to a non specialized audience – A medium for exploring an issue and distilling lessons learned from empirical evidence – A vehicle for providing policy advice. A policy brief is: – A stand-alone document – Focused on a single topic –  


    Government of Canada (2020). Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. Available at https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/issues_development-enjeux_developpement/priorities-priorites/policy-politique.aspx?lang=eng