Writing Homework Help

CU Power Is a Collection of Responsibilities Discussion



Leadership perfectly captures perhaps the necessaries of becoming ready and willing to motivate everyone else. Effective leadership has been founded on original design and probably borrowed ideologies that also are usually attributed to someone in a position to guide individuals enough even to behave in the manner the leader desires (Robbins & Judge, 2018).

Yes, I agree that in today’s world it is popularly said that all the successes go to the concept of leadership, then much of an organization’s success or failure because of variables far anywhere outside of leader’s control

But here are few areas where I see what the true value of leadership and they are: –

Leadership seems to be that enigmatically, mystical potential that facilitates one just to transform a plan into action by involving others. Leadership cannot be “done.” Leading seems more of a way of doing something that pervades your principles, strategy, as well as behavior.

Leadership is essential in putting sustainable green projects into action. Your leadership style will guarantee the effectiveness of your strategic plan, if you’re a CEO, a supervisor, a small businessman, or even a community activist. As much now as sustainable development is indeed an indication of leadership in the business it is also a major driver of sustainable growth in less than your organization.

Sustainability leadership is achieved not only from the technological innovation, but also with the use of sustainable practices as well as the adoption of sustainable activities. And besides, solar panels as well as hybrids seem to be absolutely worthless if no one wish to purchase or put the money in them. Because some developing alternative energies are fairly expensive and exploratory, customer and corporate leadership will also be required if we are to complete the circle as well as reduce carbon emissions (Robbins & Judge, 2018).

Sustainable practices might very well vary widely from buying from sustainable distributors to introducing a sustainable goods to releasing a sustainability strategy in terms of management leadership in conservation. If you support a sustainable development, keep in mind that your current position often does not change the success. There are multiple instances of young students that have had a massive effect on their educational institutions and workers who may have had a serious influence on their organizations. Your leadership style is the secret to success. So what was the essence of such leadership capabilities? So, if you find the mysteries underneath leadership, it will be less mysterious. Becoming a leader is indeed a preference that anybody can figure out how to make

To begin, there will be only one ability to lead, which would be to set a good example. Make yourself an interesting example, but also, you’ll be a leader. You’ll furthermore obtain an insider’s point of view on the drawbacks of environmental sustainability for your business, which would be vital for improving organizational change once all are on board.

True leaders do seem to be truly throughout the service provided of their followers. True leaders operate with honesty, and so as a result, they gain relationships. True leaders sincerely respect their employees, and then as a result, they foster loyalty. True leaders seem to be in the firm of helping others realize their complete capability and, while doing so, they encourage perfection.


Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. Boston, MA: Pearson

Writing Homework Help

PJM 6825 Santa Monica College WK2 Product Manager and the Project Manager Paper


Essential Components

This assignment is a reflection comparing and contrasting the product managerand the project manager:

1.This assignment allowsyou to consider the roles of the product managerand project manager in the context of product development work.

2.Consider how the roles are similar and how they are different.

3.How can project management inform product managementwork and how can product managementinform project management work?

4.What opportunities are there for collaboration between the two roles?  What challenges may occur in doing the respective work and how can this be addressed?

Writing Homework Help

Self Compacting Concrete in The Temple of Sagrada Familia Journal Discussion


Hi, please read the description below and you should write at least 300 words for each work. For each of the two comments, select a classmate’s post, read the post, critique the post, indicate your reaction to the chosen work, discuss a comparison work from the module or any other outside source that is similar to the work identified in the post, and either add personal commentary or pose a question to stimulate conversation.

Please make sure you have discussions and conversations to each paper not just describe the work.

Writing Homework Help

NURS 5052 Walden Recommending an Evidence Based Practice Change PPT


    • Assignment: Evidence-Based Project, Part 4: Recommending an Evidence-Based Practice Change

      The collection of evidence is an activity that occurs with an endgame in mind. For example, law enforcement professionals collect evidence to support a decision to charge those accused of criminal activity. Similarly, evidence-based healthcare practitioners collect evidence to support decisions in pursuit of specific healthcare outcomes.In this Assignment, you will identify an issue or opportunity for change within your healthcare organization and propose an idea for a change in practice supported by an EBP approach.To Prepare:

      • Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you critically appraised in Module 4, related to your clinical topic of interest and PICOT.
      • Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about potential opportunities for evidence-based change, using your topic of interest and PICOT as the basis for your reflection.
      • Consider the best method of disseminating the results of your presentation to an audience.

      The Assignment: (Evidence-Based Project)Part 4: Recommending an Evidence-Based Practice ChangeCreate an 8- to 9-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

      • Briefly describe your healthcare organization, including its culture and readiness for change. (You may opt to keep various elements of this anonymous, such as your company name.)
      • Describe the current problem or opportunity for change. Include in this description the circumstances surrounding the need for change, the scope of the issue, the stakeholders involved, and the risks associated with change implementation in general.
      • Propose an evidence-based idea for a change in practice using an EBP approach to decision making. Note that you may find further research needs to be conducted if sufficient evidence is not discovered.
      • Describe your plan for knowledge transfer of this change, including knowledge creation, dissemination, and organizational adoption and implementation.
      • Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience. Provide a rationale for why you selected this dissemination strategy.
      • Describe the measurable outcomes you hope to achieve with the implementation of this evidence-based change.
      • Be sure to provide APA citations of the supporting evidence-based peer reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.
      • Add a lessons learned section that includes the following:

Writing Homework Help

HMRT 413 AMU Right to Work Laws Debate Paper



One of the most hotly debated subjects in labor relations today is that of ‘Right to Work’ laws. It’s time to do some deeper research and take a position on this controversial issue. In a narrative, do the following:

1. What is the history of ‘Right to Work’ laws? Where did they come from? Who proposed them and why? Has their purpose or effect changed since original inception?

2. Accurately summarize both sides of the ‘Right to Work’ debate. What exactly is each side arguing, and what are the defenses to the claims of their opponents?

3. Articulate your own opinion on this issue. Are ‘Right to Work’ laws ethically sound? Are they good for unions? Good for employers? Good for employees? If one or more of these stakeholders are disadvantaged, how? Do the benefits of these laws outweigh the costs? Why or why not?

4. What is your prediction for ‘Right to Work’ laws in America? Currently, the country is divided more or less 50:50 in terms of states with and without such laws. Will they become the new norm? Or will they regress and be repealed in the states that have enacted them? Defend your predictions with sound reasoning.

Writing Homework Help

Walden University Work Environment Assessment Paper


Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Clearly, diagnosis is a critical aspect of healthcare. However, the ultimate purpose of a diagnosis is the development and application of a series of treatments or protocols. Isolated recognition of a health issue does little to resolve it.

In this module’s Discussion, you applied the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory to diagnose potential problems with the civility of your organization. In this Portfolio Assignment, you will continue to analyze the results and apply published research to the development of a proposed treatment for any issues uncovered by the assessment.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
  • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template.
  • Reflect on the output of your Discussion post regarding your evaluation of workplace civility and the feedback received from colleagues.
  • Select and review one or more of the following articles found in the Resources:
    • Clark, Olender, Cardoni, and Kenski (2011)
    • Clark (2018)
    • Clark (2015)
    • Griffin and Clark (2014)

The Assignment (3-6 pages total):

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)

  • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion.
  • Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace.
  • Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.
  • Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages)

  • Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected.
  • Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages)

  • Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.

Work Environment Assessment Results

A healthy work environment (HWE) promotes civility among nurses and their leadership. Incivility can lead to unsafe working conditions, poor patient care, and increased medical costs (Clark, Olender, Cardoni, & Kenski, 2011). Nurses experience twice the amount of workplace crimes compared to other healthcare providers and are four times more likely to experience these crimes compared to other professions (Clark et al., 2011). According to Clark (2015) the organization that I work for would be considered a moderately healthy workplace based on his healthy workplace inventory checklist. This assessment seems to match the general attitude of how the managers treat the employees and how upper management treats the managers. However, there are no questions to address how coworkers treat each other directly in relation to incivility.

Incivility in the Workplace

Incivility is rude or disruptive behaviors that can result in psychological or physiological distress (Griffin & Clark, 2014). Incivility is considered to be a one-on-one act that can include eye-rolling, making demeaning remarks, and sarcastic remarks (Griffin & Clark, 2014). Recently we had an issue of incivility that progressed into bullying. A registered nurse (RN) asked the nursing assistant (NA) to help get her patient’s vital signs. The NA told the RN that she was not supposed to get vital signs unless the RN was overwhelmed and since the unit only had nine patients and three RNs that the situation was not overwhelming. The NA then forwarded a screenshot of a previous text message conversation with the manager about what duties the NAs have while they are on the floor to the three RNs for clarification.

The RNs then got together and called the manager, on a Sunday, to inform her that the NA had refused to take a set of vital signs. The manager was obviously upset and had to call the unit to ask the NA why she would not take the vitals. She also sent out a mass email to the unit about what the expectations are for delegation and how she does not tolerate an employee who is insubordinate. While we only opened the hospital about three weeks ago the manager has set clear guidelines on what she expects for her employees, what is expected of the employees in respect to working together, and how to approach each other with more respect.

Even though my workplace is considered a HWE, this score of 86 out of 100 was based more on management treatment of employees. While this is important it is also important to note that 27% of Americans have suffered incivility at work and 21% have witnessed incivility happen in the workplace (Griffin & Clark, 2014). One instance of incivility towards someone else may not make someone’s personal score lower but the assessment should ask if you have experienced or witnessed any incivility or bullying in the workplace to truly determine a HWE assessment score.


Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American

Nurse Today, 10(11), 18–23. Retrieved from https://www.americannursetoday.com/wp-

Clark, C. M., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., & Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering civility in nursing

education and practice: Nurse leader perspectives. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(7/8 ), 324–330. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e31822509c4

Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535–542. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02 

Writing Homework Help

Grossmont College Intercultural Communication Discussion Questions



1) If someone were to analyze and explain to you your nonverbal tendencies, how would they describe them? (i.e., how do you stand? How animated are you when you talk? How is your overall body posture? Do your non verbals represent a confident and/or extroverted individual?) If you are unsure about this, ask a friend.

2) What is the relationship between your non verbals and your identity? – Do your non verbals match your characteristics?

3) Now that you are more aware of your nonverbal tendencies, do you plan on trying to change them? If so, how? If not, why not?

Part 2.

Watch the following videos and respond to the prompts. You may have to conduct your own research to assist in answering these last questions. If so, please include your references.

4) Explain what proxemics means as related to intercultural communication

5) Which countries rank the highest in the need for personal space?

6) Which countries rank the lowest in the need for personal space?

7) Where do you fit on the continuum of preference for personal space?(i.e., do you feel uncomfortable when people stand close to you) – Why do you feel this way?

Writing Homework Help

ENG 200 Syracuse University Pride & Prejudice Character Analysis


  • Generate a Character’s Dating Profile
  • Creative Element: Create the sections of a dating profile for one of the character’s from the film. What sort of things do they say about themselves? You should provide a Details section with their name, age, and other basic info (if the story doesn’t directly address these things, create an answer based on the evidence in the story about the character). You also must include an About Me section where they self-describe themselves (at least 100 words), an Aspirations/Hobbies section where they discuss what they are doing with their life and their plans for the future (at least 100 words), and a Media section where they list their favorite films, books, bands, etc. (at least 100 words). Try to write their entries in the voice of the character for some extra fun.
  • Analysis Element: In at least 250 words explain your choices in the dating profile based on details and information from the original story or film. Why does this character strike you as 40-something? Why do you think they might like to cross-stitch or watch Horror movies or cook complex recipes? You should explicitly list evidence from the story or film in this section.

Writing Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Counseling and Career Goals Analysis


I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Choices – Describe a situation where you made positive or impactful choice that helped shape you into the person you are today. (Applicant must demonstrate a proper use of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Answer must be between 100 and 200 words.)
  2. Career Goals – Please tell us about your career goals and how your education at Grossmont/Cuyamaca College will help you meet those goals. (Applicant must demonstrate a proper use of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Answer must be between 100 and 200 words.)
  3. Choose a Personal Statement Question you’d like to answer for this discussion.

Third one do it based on furthering education at a late age and do not share my work with anyone or copy