Writing Homework Help

BUES Marketing Communication Advertisement Paper


The analysis of an advertisment

1. The brand

  • Name – significance
  • Logo – significance (colours, symbols)
  • Other elements
  • Values
  • Archetype

2. Positioning

3.The name, and the brief description of the campaign.

4. The sender of the message (the company which has the brand in its portfolio).

5. The target audience– use segmentation characteristics (age, gender, lifestyle, income, etc) to define the target market

6. The objectives of communication – cognitive, affective, conative

7. The analysis of the message

  • the appeal of the message – arguments
  • rational or emotional approach
  • verbal and non-verbal encoding

8. The media channels and the media vehicles.

9.Your personal opinion regarding the ad.


Writing Homework Help

UCLA Eat And Drink Man and Woman Film Question


There are three articles in total, the specific requirements have been attached, please check.

I would like to make a presentation paper by combining the following two articles with my movie “Eat And Drink Man and Woman”

Writing Homework Help

Source of Hapiness Question


I’m working on a research & summaries writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

**Please read pages 1-10** on the attached PDF “The How, Why, What, When, and Who of Happiness”(**Only pages 1-10**). Then, answer the following questions:

1. In one paragraph, explain what the authors argue are ineffective strategies to increase happiness.

2. In one paragraph explain: How often do you follow these ineffective strategies? Your friends or family? Why?

3. In one paragraph, explain what the authors argue are effective strategies to increase happiness.

4. In one paragraph explain: How often do you follow these effective strategies? Your friends or family? Why?

5. One cognitive strategy for increasing happiness is to meditate on the things that we are thankful for. The researchers found significant increases in happiness after having subjects write thank you letters. In one paragraph, explain who you would choose to write a thank you letter to and why. Will you actually write/send it? Why or why not?

Writing Homework Help

ENG 101 De Anza College Historical Fact vs Historical Fiction Essay


For this essay, choose one historical event that actually happened and also appears in The Last Train to London.  Research this event to gain a better understanding of the facts.  Next, summarize the event in a historical context.  Then, summarize the event as described in the novel.  How are these events similar? How do they differ? Finally, what conclusion can you draw from comparing the facts vs the fiction of this event in regards to your understanding of the main themes/motifs within the novel?

Writing Homework Help

AMU The Primary Initiatives Implemented as Result of The Patriot Act Questions


I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. What are the primary initiatives implemented as a result of the PATRIOT Act.

2. How do you believe government can best balance security and civil liberties?

Writing Homework Help

Marriages in India and Morroco Lather Question


Process Analysis: A technique that explains the steps or sequence involved in doing something, satisfies our need to learn as well as our curiosity about how the world works. Process analysis can be more than interesting or entertaining; it can be of critical importance. Consider a waiter hurriedly skimming the “Choking Aid” instructions posted on a restaurant wall or an air-traffic controller following emergency procedures in an effort to prevent a midair collision.


Introduction, Thesis, and Outline: Introduction, Thesis, and Outline Process Analysis F21

Paragraph Structure and In-Text Citation: Paragraph Structure MLA In-text F21.docx

Handout Packet for Paper two: Handouts Paper Two Process Analysis F21.docx

Handout – How to Find and Cite Images: Resources for Citing Images

Here are recommended web-sites to find images: Creative Commons Images

There are two types of process analysis:

1. Directional – Giving step-by-step instructions showing how to do something

2. Informational – Helping readers to understand how something happens

Illustration essay: An informative essay that uses examples and details to accomplish the goals of the paper. This style of writing often includes facts, anecdotes, statistics, details, and observations.

What should you write about? Choose a topic from a non-western culture (see the list of non-western countries). Use preliminary research to make sure there is enough information available on your topic. Then, explain the topic using process analysis and illustration to your reader using both words and pictures. Make sure to cite all sources used. Examples of topics: Marriage in India, Wearing Henna in India, Head Coverings in different cultures, The Monkey Buffet in Thailand, Arirang Mass Games in North Korea, Making Sushi in Japan, Chinese New Year, Japanese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival in China, Graffiti in Egypt, etc.

Requirements: Using both words and pictures use process analysis and illustration to explain a topic in a non-western culture. The final copy of this paper will have at least 600 words, 8 pictures, and all information and pictures should be cited in MLA format. Use at least 4 trustworthy sources.

Here is a link to help find images: Library Guide to Finding Images

Non-Western Country List
Southern Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. – see map for others)
Northern Asia (China, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, etc. – see map for others)
The Middle East (Israel, Palestinian Territories, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, etc. – see map for others)
India / Pakistan Region (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Burma, etc. – see map for others)
Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Eritrea, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Congo, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, etc. – see map for others) 

Rubric/Checklist for Paper Three (For Final Copy)

Format :
Heading according to MLA format / Purdue Owl
Last name and page number at the top right corner of each page / Creative Title
Times New Roman 12 pt. font / Double spaced without extra spaces
Check Margins (1” top and bottom, 1” left and right)

Introduction and Thesis :
Introduce the topic / Create interest
Provide necessary (but limited) background information / Preview the rest of the essay.
Thesis at end of paragraph
Not merely an announcement/statement of fact
It is approximately ½ of a double-spaced page

Body :
Paragraphs should be approximately ½ of a double-spaced page
Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence
Last line in each paragraph clearly connects back to thesis (maintaining thesis)
Process is clearly described in an insightful manner
The order of the process analysis makes logical sense

Citation :
Author Page # format (Dories 15). If there is no author, then use title in “quotes”.
Evaluate source for trustworthiness
Four sources – four *trustworthy* sources
Every sentence that is not common knowledge (25 % of classmates would know) needs a citation. Common Knowledge does not replace evidence

Works Cited :
Title is normal size and font (12 pt Times New Roman) not italicized or bold
All entries are alphabetical / Double spaced with no extra spaces
Each entry has a hanging indent
If using a works cited generator, check for ALL CAPS and make sure that italics are used properly
Check it against a sample works cited and look for missing information

Restate the topic, main points, and why it is important / Restate the thesis idea

Voice / Style :
Proofread for grammar, punctuation, and spelling (read out loud) / Avoid repetition
Check the first sentence of each paragraph for unclear pronouns (they, them, he, she, etc.)
Check for ethos (Remove I, we, us, me, you and phrases like “in my opinion”, “I think”)

Pictures :
The pictures are well chosen and give a clear, logical description of the process
The pictures provide an insight into the process that the reader would not otherwise have

Other (as needed):
Extended from other categories
Missing sources
Short of 600 words
Fewer than 8 pictures 

Writing Homework Help

California State University Northridge Google Sheets vs Excel Discussion


I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. A full page comparing Google Docs with Excel 2019 (MLA)
  2. Your experience with Google Docs and Excel (ease of use, functions, format and look)
  3. Which one, in your opinion, is a better product?