Writing Homework Help

WVU HR Trends Media by Fast Company Discussion


HR Trends – Media Analysis

  1. Find one example in the news or entertainment media of an issue related an HR Trends topic we covered in Week 14 (including Organizational Network Analysis or the Digital HRM Transformation). This includes excerpts from movies or TV shows, or articles from reputable news sites or magazines (e.g., Forbes, SHRM, The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, The Washington Post, etc.).
  2. Explain how the media article or video illustrates the relevant HR Trends topic.
  3. Include your referenced article or video, or a link to access it.

Paragraph 1: What article or video did you select, and why? Briefly summarize the main takeaways. Describe how it is applicable to the HR Trends lecture; for example, explain how the article/video supports or contradicts something we discussed in class. Analyze the multimedia by applying specific HR Trends course concepts.

Paragraph 2: Consider your article or video in the context of both of the articles that were assigned in this course: (1) 21 HR Jobs of the Future (Week 1) and (2) the Future of Human Resource Management: HR Tech Trends of 2019 (Week 14). How does your article or video align with these assigned articles? What types of jobs, or characteristics of jobs, might be evoked by your article or video? What type of trends most closely taps into your article or video? What complementary or contradictory information did you uncover? How does your article fit with these assigned articles? Be specific.

Paragraph 3: Imagine you are a Chief HR Officer, and you are given the responsibility to design a policy that incorporates themes from your article or video to inform the post-pandemic world of work (in other words, what organizations, jobs, and the employment relationship will look like during and after the COVID-19 pandemic). How would you balance the health and safety of your workers with maintaining their engagement and productivity? How would you balance having your employees work remotely versus a return to the physical office space? You can draw from your article or video, as well as the HR Trends lecture content and any other lecture from this course.

**Note: You may not use articles or clips that I have already presented in class.

In order to receive full credit:

  1. You must include a copy of your referenced article or video clip, or a link for me to access it.
  2. Your response should be a minimum of one single-spaced page, and a maximum of two single-spaced pages.
  3. Your responses should be thorough. You can respond beneath each question, or you can write in full paper/paragraph format.
  4. You should accurately apply the course materials, and demonstrate high-quality writing (grammatically correct, complete sentences).

Writing Homework Help

CU MOD 4 Activity Based Costing and Master Budgeting Discussion


Discussion: Activity-Based
Costing (ABC) and Master Budgeting

at least 2 academically reviewed articles on ABC and 2 articles on Master
Budgeting and complete the following:

A. Write an annotated bibliography
of each article.

B. Based on the articles you
reviewed, discuss what you learned

C. In addition, discuss how a
manager would use the concepts in the articles you reviewed in managerial

Use APA throughout. Please organize your discussion as listed

Writing Homework Help

ENGL 1130 UT Cashless Payments Profit All Thesis


Task: Support a valid argumentative thesis (claim) using college-level secondary research and primary research as thesis support. This is a rough draft.

Also, complete the following Assignment 13 questions highlighted in yellow.

Thesis: Using credit/debit cards would be a better method of payment for society because it provides patrons and business with easy and quick transactions.

Summary of The Researched Argument Essay Minimum Requirements:

  • Minimum length: five full pages of text
  • Minimum number of secondary research sources: 6
  • Effective inclusion of the following counterarguments: The reason some large cities have banned cashless retail is because it discriminates against the poor, Security becomes an issue when using online banking.
  • How do you do it? Including counterarguments is a two-step process. Step 1) Bring up one or two of the MAIN opposition arguments Step 2) Answer the argument(s) There are basically two types of answers to a counterargument: 1) “No, that’s wrong” (then provide evidence that the counterargument is false.) 2) “Yes, but….” (Concede that the opposition’s point has validity. But then turn things back to your side by bringing up something that outweighs the opponent’s point.)
  • Correct MLA or APA in-text citations
  • Correct MLA or APA works cited page
  • Correct MLA typing format (double-spacing)
  • Use the bullet list of techniques on the “Notes on Creating Titles” handout when creating a title
  • Use the bullet list of techniques on the “Notes on Introduction” when creating the introduction
  • Please see attachment “Arming Teachers” for example of a good draft essay

Writing Homework Help

PC Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius Essay


Hello this is a research paper that is very important. I will attach the screen shots of what you will need to do, but please be very careful and precise this essay report is suppose to be in Chicago style. I will attach a sample essay as well. Thank you!!

Writing Homework Help

CC Modal Mayhem Meaning of The Verb Discussion


Discussion #13A – Modal Mayhem meanings – Delta

From 2021SP-ESL-2AG-1748, 2021SP-ESL-2AG-1762, 2021SP-ESL-2BG-1775, 2021SP-ESL-2BG-4965

No unread replies.No replies.

1] Read the sentences I created and state how the modal I used changes the meaning of the verb. I did the first one for you.

2] Using chapter 9 of the text, find 5 sentences that use modals and then explain how the modal changed the meaning of the main verb.

3] Once you post your answers, respond to one groupmate with a minimum of 5 sentences stating what they did well, what corrections you suggest, and ask any questions you have.

Part 1: read the sentence and state how the modal changes the meaning of the verb.

Example] Lawmakers decide which habits should be considered bad habits.

Meaning: Should be considered means that they are deciding how people ought to feel about these habits.

1] A person with sleep-terror cannot override their habit response because they are not conscious.


2] While people in AA say you don’t have to believe in god, they think believing in some higher power helps addicts.


3] She felt she should have been a model rather than a mom.


4] Bachman was not able to stop herself from gambling even though she lost so much money and hurt her family.


5] The judge felt that Thomas could not have anticipated that he was going to kill his wife.


Part 2: In chapter 9, find 5 sentences that use modals and explain their meanings. Please quote properly with the page number.











Part 3 – now comments on a groupmate’s work with a minimum of 5 sentences.

Discussion #13B – Modal Mayhem Sentences – Delta

From 2021SP-ESL-2AG-1748, 2021SP-ESL-2AG-1762, 2021SP-ESL-2BG-1775, 2021SP-ESL-2BG-4965

No unread replies.No replies.

Using ideas learned from the text but your own words, create two sentences for each group of modals. Once you have posted your answers, respond to a groupmate with a minimum of 5 sentences to help them improve their answers, praise where they did well, and ask any questions you have.

A] Ability in past, present, future using could, can, able to



B] Express necessity with must, have got to and/or have to



C] Express prohibition with must not, had better not



D] Express obligation/expectation with be supposed to and be not supposed to



E] Express giving or asking for advice with should, ought to, had better



Writing Homework Help

The Saudi Debt Market Discussion


Subject: Comment on the Saudi Debt Market. How active is the Saudi Debt Market? What are the prospects of the Debt Market in Saudi Arabia?

I’m trying to learn for my Finance class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


Comment on the Saudi Debt Market. How active is the Saudi Debt Market? What are the prospects of the Debt Market in Saudi Arabia?

You must comment on two peer posts.

Support your answers with valid references.

Words: 150

Writing Homework Help

University Of Texas Ethical Values Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners Discussion


main discussion

1. Discuss the concepts of ethics and morality and their application in the psychiatric nurse practitioner field.

2. Ethical decision making may be based on personal religious and philosophic viewpoints, but must always be grounded in professional standards and the statements of patient’s rights. Discuss a case or situation where you encountered an ethical dilemma and how you applied your ethical decision making.

Response one elege

The terms ethics and morals are closely related concepts, morals refer mainly to guiding principles, and ethics refer to specific rules and actions or behaviors. A moral precept is an idea or opinion that is driven by a need to be good. An ethical code is a set of rules that defines actions that are allowed or correct behavior (Buppert, 2018). The term ethics refers to the concepts of moral right and wrong and moral good and evil, to any philosophical theory of what is morally right and wrong or ethically excellent and evil, and to any system or code of ethical rules, principles, or values (Maluwa, Gwaza, Sakala, Kapito, Mwale, Haruzivishe, & Chirwa, 2019).

Professions distinguish themselves by placing special ethical obligations and responsibilities on their members (Akrami, Zali, Abbasi, Majdzadeh, Karimi, Fadavi, & Mehrabi Bahar, 2018). Several ethical issues can come up in a nurse practitioners’ daily practice, such as: when to terminate a relationship with a patient; accepting a gift or meal from a pharmaceutical representative; discussing deficiencies of a patient’s insurance coverage, and telling a patient, you are moving to another practice (Buppert, 2018). There are five main principles of ethics in nursing. These are Beneficence, Justice, Fidelity, Non-Maleficence, and respect for autonomy (Buppert, 2018).

According to the code of ethics and practice, nurses are expected to provide comprehensive, holistic, and ethically accepted care (Maluwa et al., 2019). The International Council of Nurses (ICN) code of ethics from where the code of ethics for nurses is derived; nurses are expected to promote health, prevent illness, restore health and alleviate people’s suffering (Maluwa et al., 2019).

Jansen & Hanssen (2017) points out that patient participation is an ambiguous, complex, and poorly defined concept in psychiatric nursing. With practical/clinical, organizational, legal, and ethical aspects, some of which in psychiatric units may cause ethical predicaments and moral stress in nurses, for instance, when constraints thwart moral, caring acts. Nurses have a particular ethical responsibility towards vulnerable patients and may themselves be vulnerable when caught in situations where their professional and moral values are threatened. Patient participation is often a neglected value in the current psychiatric treatment philosophy. When healthcare workers’ ethical sensibilities are compromised, this may result in moral stress (Jansen & Hanssen, 2017).

The following is an example of an ethical situation that I encountered. A colleague was impaired due to drug and alcohol abuse and was no longer competent, she ignored my warnings to get help, and I had to report her to the supervisor. It is not proper to endanger the life of the patients. I did not report her to the board because the board is not designed to help but rather to punish and demonstrate their value.


Akrami, F., Zali, A., Abbasi, M., Majdzadeh, R., Karimi, A., Fadavi, M., & Mehrabi Bahar, A.

(2018). An ethical framework for evaluation of public health plans: a systematic process for legitimate and fair decision-making. Public Health, 164, 30–38. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.p…

Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (6th ed.). Jones &

Bartlett Learning.

Jansen, T.-L., & Hanssen, I. (2017). Patient participation: causing moral stress in psychiatric

nursing? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 31(2), 388–394. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1111/scs.12358

Maluwa, V. M., Gwaza, E., Sakala, B., Kapito, E., Mwale, R., Haruzivishe, C., & Chirwa, E.

(2019). Moral competence among nurses in Malawi: A concept analysis approach. Nursing Ethics, 26(5), 1361–1372. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/096…

Response two OMILE.

Concepts of Ethics and Morality and Their Application in The Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Field

Ethical values are essential for any healthcare provider. Ethics comes from the Greek word “ethos,” meaning character. Ethical values are universal rules of conduct that provide a practical basis for identifying what kinds of actions, intentions, and motives are valued. Ethics are moral principles that govern how the person or a group will behave or conduct themselves. The focus pertains to the right and wrong of actions and encompasses the decision-making process of determining the ultimate consequences of those actions. Each person has their own set of personal ethics and morals. Ethics within healthcare are important because workers must recognize healthcare dilemmas, make good judgments and decisions based on their values while keeping within the laws that govern them. To practice competently with integrity, nurses, like all healthcare professionals, must have regulation and guidance within the profession. The American Nurses Association (ANA) has developed the Code of Ethics for this purpose. Ethical values are essential for all healthcare workers. Ethical practice is a foundation for nurses, who deal with ethical issues daily. Ethical dilemmas arise as nurses care for patients. These dilemmas may, at times, conflict with the Code of Ethics or with the nurse’s ethical values. Nurses are advocates for patients and must find a balance while delivering patient care (Haddad & Geiger, 2020). According to Buppert (2018), in nursing and in medicine, the guiding general rule of ethics is “do no harm.” This principle is attributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates, who died in 370 BC. His statement was “Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm.” The clinician who employs Hippocrates’s guidance, every time something is ordered, or advice is given, will have a sound basis for ethical practice. Common medical/nursing ethics include the following:

  1. Beneficence: Benefit others by preventing harm, removing harmful conditions, or affirmatively acting to benefit another or others, often going beyond what is required by law.
  2. Justice: Treat others equitably, distribute benefits/burdens fairly.
  3. Fidelity: Loyalty, fairness, truthfulness, advocacy, and dedication in relationships; includes promise-keeping, truth-telling, and fulfilling commitments.
  4. Non-maleficence: Obligation not to inflict harm, balancing unavoidable harm with benefits of good achieved.
  5. Respect for autonomy: Acknowledge a person’s right to make choices, to hold views, and to take actions based on personal values.

According to Sidhu & Srinivasraghavan (2016), within medicine, mental health practitioners are faced with ethical dilemmas that are unique and challenging. Only when a patient’s mental health is incapacitated, can rights such personal freedom be challenged. The patient’s disclosure of personal information puts information in the hands of the mental health practitioner that may be highly sensitive. Thus, patients often find themselves in vulnerable positions in such situations where the power differential is marked that can result in boundary violations. Compassion is an integral part of professionalism, along with transparency, honesty, listening to the patient, developing an understanding of the uniqueness of the patient and their story and respecting the basic human rights of the patient. A psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, or therapist must always endeavor to act in a manner that upholds the highest values of his/her profession and value the trust put in his/her by the patient.


An Encountered Ethical Dilemma Case and Application of Ethical Decision Making

On one of my consultations, I have a patient with schizophrenia, but with good remission, and in a stable mental health, who was accompanied by his mother to his appointment. Client was scheduled for psychiatric re-evaluation. Client has human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, but his mother was not aware of it. Client was concerned of been diagnosed with HIV, and he asked the clinician that he wants the information confidential, and to be withhold from his mother. Clinician must respect his client’s choice, in this case, respect for autonomy, and the information was withheld from his mother per his request.




Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide. Sixth edition. Burlington,

Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Haddad, L. M, & Geiger, R. A. (2020). Nursing Ethical Considerations. Retrieved from



Sidhu, N., & Srinivasraghavan, J. (2016). Ethics and Medical Practice: Why Psychiatry is Unique. Indian

journal of psychiatry, 58(Suppl 2), S199–S202. https://doi.org/10.4103/0019-5545.196838

Writing Homework Help

Saudi Debt Market Two Responses Paper


Subject: answer to this two posts

short replay is great

first one :

Saudi Debt Market

The Saudi Arabian government commitment bits of the pie the lacks of many creating business areas to the extent commitment scattering and auxiliary market liquidity. During the latest decade, SAMA and banks commonly endeavored to perceive factors holding up be tended to. From the outset, the consideration was on augmenting the extent of instruments similar to coupon characteristics and improvements, followed by making a sizeable volume of extraordinary commitment in a lone issue through “tap issues”. Assessing of issues experienced formative changes to reflect the market components. The state of affairs, the instrument arrangement appears to have the features required for discretionary market trading. Regardless, the scattering issue holds up traffic of discretionary market liquidity. Plainly, the meager theorist base, vulnerable presentation, the nonappearance of adventure banks and SAMA’s uninvolved part in open market undertakings have not been helpful to assistant market trading. Any discussion of corporate protections now may be inopportune before the relevant concerns/necessities affecting government protections are adequately tended to.

How active is the Saudi Debt Market?

The presence of helpful optional business regions for government protections underpins the suitable dispatching of new issues. Different focal points of duty the board, for example, smoothing security regard enhancements and confining the effect of recovery divides, may comparatively be enabled if open market works out/mediations can be facilitated in well working optional business zones. Saudi Arabia experiences a frail optional market. We would express, the deficiency of the associate market is an impression of a tight scholar base, a transient undertaking society and the nonattendance of hypothesis banks. The improvement in Saudi Arabia’s essential market size isn’t an impression of a fluid assistant market yet has to do with the receptiveness of adequate detainee wellsprings of assets.

What are the prospects of Debt Market in Saudi Arabia?

This goal administers covering the public force’s gross getting necessities and guaranteeing its proceeded with enlistment to money related business territories. Net getting basics may contain financing an opening among use and pay in a given period and besides necessities for restricting making responsibility. Saudi Arabia’s getting necessities have stayed confined to financing spending need or perhaps restricting making responsibility from nearby sources. There is a huge piece of collection in the red instruments offered to the market as T-bills, GDBs and FRNs. Duty the heads has not been utilized to help cash related course of action, for example, by giving greater promise to wipe up abundance liquidity. Nor has new money getting been utilized to support the nation’s new trade holds.

second one :

comment on the Saudi debt market. How active is the Saudi debt market? What are the prospects for the debt market in Saudi Arabia?

The market, which is designated for trading “bonds and sukuk” on the Saudi Stock Exchange, witnessed transactions amounting to 11.2 billion riyals during the past month alone, which is the highest monthly in more than ten years.

Saudi Arabia may now hold the record as the fastest sovereign Sukuk issuer in the history Islamic debt capital market, Debt sales are expected to continue being a key source to finance soaring budgetary expenditure in order to ensure long-term fiscal health as well as economic growth.higher fiscal deficit is just one of the fundamental factors driving issuance of international bonds by Saudi Arabia. low oil prices remain the other significant pull factors for the Kingdom to tap the overseas bond market.

The development of the local debt instruments market is one of the initiatives of the financial sector development program in the Kingdom, which falls within its strategy to diversify sources of financing through sovereign debt issuances, as the government aims – through adopting the public debt strategy and issuing government debt instruments – to finance strategic infrastructure projects. And support for investments in service sectors and vital projects, and to support the budget in addition to developing the financial market.

Trading government debt instruments will contribute to supporting the budget, as well as facilitating access to large capitals in the market and increasing liquidity in it, as the inclusion of government debt instruments in Tadawul will stimulate investors to inject financial liquidity that enhances the depth of the Saudi financial market.

The inclusion of government debt instruments achieves many advantages, including expanding the investor base and diversifying their segments to invest in government debt instruments instead of limiting investment to local banks and government institutions, providing the opportunity for investors of all kinds to invest in government debt instruments and diversifying their investment sources, estimating the issue price and knowing an appropriate extent. Its price, and the ability to easily and quickly buy and sell debt instruments.


