Writing Homework Help

Demand for Community Workers Management Question



Follow the number of words required

Please do not share these answers with any other student

Write in your own words, please do not copy from the Internet

,no match please

Use more than one reference for answers and using APA style reference

follow all the instruction on the file

please I adhere to the specified number of words for each question (the number shown is the number of answers without the question and reference))

Requirements: | .doc file

words count 600-650

Writing Homework Help

Project Management More Facilitated Organization Question


  1. What did you learn about project management by doing the group project?
  2. What did you learn about teamwork by doing the group project?
  3. What would you have done differently?
  4. What will you remember to do on the next project you work on after this experience

Writing Homework Help

LBCC Pecha Kucha Fitness & Healthy Living Presentation


Pecha Kucha Proposal


For my Pecha Kucha I would like to present and created a Pecha Kucha around fitness, healthy living, and overall health. I would like to highlight main points as in the United states there are many overweight Americans. Along with this I will demonstrate and emphasize 20 second each per slide discussing different topics and underlying problems within obesity. Starting with the main problem, being overweight, and obese and how easy it is to access fast food and why individuals to it. I can then propose a solution to this by adding on/ give guidance on nutritional and health values and ways to prevent obesity. Ways I am able to do this are talk about nutritional values and healthier alternatives. Along with showing tables of healthier options etc. Lastly talking about I can recommend ways of fitness such as different ways to exercise. For examples LISS, HIIT, Cardio, weightlifting, cycling, powerlifting. Along with that how you can be able to use and show ways to lose weight through dieting for example talking about calories and one pound of fat vs muscle. Show before and after result when you are dedicated to exercise. Lastly end off with motivating individuals to work out and exercise.

Follow Rubric Attached

What I would like

– A Set up powerpoint ready for presentation relating the topic above in compliance wiht my rubric.

-A Well written response/Script for each slide 30 seconds per slide that transitions smoothly. Thank you!

Writing Homework Help

UCLA Fraud and Corruption in Nonprofits Organizations Essay


You are required to write an essay on the general topic of fraud and corruption in nonprofit organizations and/or nongovernmental organizations. You are encouraged to find your own specific focus based on your own work, experience, and interests in this area. The Final Paper should be double-spaced and between 7 and 10 pages in length, excluding title page and reference pages. You should incorporate a minimum of three scholarly references.

Writing Homework Help

University of Sydney Media and Cosmopolitanism Paper & Infographic


Project elements(Total 1800 words)(pdf and doc)

Make sure you only Paraphrase for the citation part!! Do not cite exactly the same sentences.

Paraphrase from Waisbord’s article and contents from news website I provided.

  • Introductory text (500-1000 words, pdf format): 1)lists the poster title and author’s student identification number ONLY (no names), 2)introduces the comparative media project, 3)outlines research topic, main argument, and analysis of findings, 4)points to media examples or case studies, 5)explains that contents of the poster, 6)provides reference list
  • .•Poster (USyd template, portrait/landscape, 500-1000 words, pdf format):•A poster is a visual communication tool that serves as a source of information; conversation starter; and a snapshot of your research.•The poster should provoke discussion about comparative G-South media research.•The poster should be informative and visually appealing.•The poster should include voices from the global South •The text should be easily read. (Put words and images)

    Branding:•To keep all posters consistent with USyd branding: use logos as provided, all headings and sub-headings in Ariel font, and all body text in Calibri font.

    Text size recommendations when using USyd template:

  • Main heading – Ariel, size 55
  • Sub-headings – Ariel, size 35
  • Body text – Calibri, size 32
  • Author name(s), Degree/Unit of study (MECO6926 International Media Practice) Calibri Bold, size 26
  • Topic:

    Waisbord (2015) proposes cosmopolitanism, not area studies, can further “de-Westernize” media studies. What evidence does your research find to support her claim?

    Conduct comparative studies of non-Western cases. Explicit comparisons of news coverage of media and politics across two countries(South Korea and Thailand) to explain differences and similarities. Comparison of two countries’ news is the most important part!!!

    You must compare same type of news but reported in two different countries(South Korea and Thailand). Eg: Coronavirus(same topic in two different countries) or the specific coronavirus case reported by two different countries. But we can not write Coronavirus in this assignment.

    Useful News Link: https://onlinenewspapers.com/asian-newspapers.shtml (Global News Website– By choosing countries)

    https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www2/index.asp (South Korea)

    https://www.bangkokpost.com/ (Thailand News Website)

    Tips for Posters

    Tell readers why your work matters, what you did, what you found, and what you recommend. Avoid excessive focus on methods – it’s the results and implications that count!

    Overall appearance. Use a pleasing arrangement of graphics, text, colours. Your poster should be neat and uncluttered – use white space to help organise sections. Balance the placement of text and figures.

    Organisation. Use the headings to help readers find what they’re looking for: Context, objective, impact, conclusions, etc. A columnar format helps traffic flow in a crowded poster session.

    Minimize text – use graphics. Keep text in blocks of no more than 50-75 words – don’t create large, monolithic paragraphs of prose.

    Use colour cautiously. Dark letters on light background are easiest to read. Stick to a theme of 2-3 colours. Avoid overly bright colours.

    Don’t fight reader gravity, which pulls the eyes from top to bottom (first), and left to right.

    Prepare a verbal explanation. Have a talking point. Give the big picture, explain why the problem is important, and use the graphics on your poster to illustrate and support your findings and recommendations.

    (The poster sample provided only give you the direction of structure, not the content.)

    Writing Homework Help

    ASU Islamic Prophets Serve God and Swear Off the Evil Essay


    I want you to write a 1000 word essay on the topic of “Prophets in Islam”. You will have to provide references from the Qur’an and the statements and life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as references on this subject

    Writing Homework Help

    San Diego State University Inspiration Into Nursing Discussion


    What inspired you to become a nurse? What are you doing to reach your career goal?

    what inspired to become a nurse is that i have passion to help others and i also like to learn new things and nursing allow me to so. i wanted to have rewording career in which i’m able to help others and also have a career. im working hard right now to obtain my bachelor degree in nursing so i can get haired

    Writing Homework Help

    Challenging and Exploring Conceptions About Writing Essay


    Assignment details are on page 26-27 of the textbook [See Assignment Option 1 – Challenging and Exploring your Conceptions about Writing].  The resulting essay will be descriptive and argumentative in nature. The assignment as a whole, however, is asking you to first reflect on ideas you had before reading chapter 1 and how they may have changed, then research and ask others about one of those ideas, and finally write an essay to help an audience of your choosing “learn a more accurate conception of writing that can positively impact how they engage with writing” (p. 26).

    While the assignment asks you to reflect on multiple ideas, your essay will be focused on one or two of them.  Focus is an important feature of any good written piece. In addition, supporting your focused claim(s) with examples, evidence, or substantial reasoning will be very important.  Your support of the ideas presented in the essay should reflect your research and thoughtfulness approaching this assignment. Consider your audience as you think of focus and support. 

    Writing Homework Help

    Assignment Process Reflection Essay


    I wrote about big cat in danger and want to to do this for me.

    Now that you have finished collecting and analyzing sources for your project, your goal is to assemble all that research in one document and begin reflecting on what you have learned from the process.

    Look back at your four Researching Rhetorically posts. Then write a 500-word reflection on this assignment process. In addition to reflecting on your findings, your reflection should discuss the ways in which this activity informed your understanding of research. The following questions are designed to help you think about what you can discuss in this reflection:

    • What were you curious about when you looked at this organization/movement and the texts they create and the texts about them? What interests you? What did you want to investigate? In your opinion, why should people care about this issue?
    • Look at the conversation as a whole. What background information do readers need in order to follow the conversation you are writing about? Based on your sources, what are the various viewpoints in this conversation? On what points do your sources generally agree or disagree?
    • What do you now understand about the larger conversation surrounding this topic as a result of listening to various voices and perspectives? What does it show you about the ways that conversations about important topics take place and who is involved in those conversations?
    • Reflect on your experience conducting research in this way. What did you learn about the way research takes place in a 21st century/ digital context? How does this expand upon, change, and/or complicate your previous notions of research? What questions do you have about future research you may have to do, in college or after?
    • Based on this activity, what do you think it means to be an active and informed listener when it comes to understanding a topic and forming your opinion on that topic?
    • How might rhetorical analysis (looking at the way a text is constructed) help you choose reliable sources in future.