Computer Science Homework Help

Mesa Community College Instructions of a Chessboard Functions Project

This is the second big project of the semester. With this project, I want to see even more of the lessons we are going over in practice. Minimum it must utilize inherited class and class arrays.

This is a simulated chess game. If you remember, your chess project moved a knight around the board. With this project, I want to not only move that knight, I want you to move all the pieces on one side of the board.

First: If you are unsure how the pieces of a chess board move, do some research. There is plenty of information out there to instruct how a chessboard functions. Your chess piece movement must follow the rules of the game.

Second: This is a one-sided board and used to illustrate how each piece moves.

Third: The program must keep track of the location of each piece. By this I mean that if a piece is moving, it must respect the position of the other pieces on the board.

Fourth: Like the battleship project, it must have some sort of graphical board.

Fifth: With each move the user should also be given the option to start a new game or end the program.