Ashford University Software Development Keys Discussion
Build Versus Buy Versus Outsource: What’s a CIO to Do? [CLOs: 1, 2]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read and compare the information in the presentation by Evans (2009) and the three short commentary web articles by Meshing (2014), Ferrara (2014), and Zhu (2014). Research a minimum of two additional sources on these issues on online industry sources and blogs.
Consider the challenges a CIO has when faced with rapid change in the organization’s market which is forcing the organization to upgrade a core business process software. The CIO has a number of options for addressing the issue, but none are easy answers. Using the assigned resources, your own research, and your knowledge of enterprise technology implementation projects, explain how a CIO would determine which of the three paths (build vs. buy vs. outsource) the organization should follow for an enterprise project. You must provide an example project, scenario, or table to demonstrate each IT management strategy outcome and to explain your reasoning. Use specific details when discussing your arguments for or against a particular path.
Evans, Z. (2009, September 10). Buy versus build: Why companies should never build software [PowerPoint presentation]. Retrieved from…
This is a short presentation on the buy versus build software question and what companies should consider.