George Mason University Goggle Hacking Database & SEToolkit Report
Assignment 1
OSNIT in action. Pick an OSINT Tool of your choice. See what you can findabout you or a person of interest and how that can be used for a potential social engineeringcampaign against you/them. Report the findings (redacted, of course – I have no intentionsof lurking into students’ OSINT profiles; just the sites and general description of what infois available). Write a hypothetical pretexting scenario.…
Assignment 2
Look around for the latest phishing trends. Use tools like SEToolkit, GoPhishor others to create and test the campaign with your own email (or set up a dummy emailaccount). Report the steps, cues, and methods you used to create your campaign andtested it by yourself. Include screenshots documenting the successful execution of the testphishing campaign. Write a hypothetical post-phishing exploitation scenario.