Computer Science Homework Help

Colorado State University Database Management System Improvement Paper


A convenience store located within an apartment complex uses a log similar to the following one to keep track of customer purchases. The goal of the database is to keep track of the inventory sold in hopes of using the data to better meet customers’ convenience store needs. From the information gathered, the storeowner is able to obtain statistics that help them plan future inventory. Data such as the number of products sold, the most and least frequently purchased products, the frequency and amount of customer purchases, and the total purchases made by a specific apartment aid the owner in determining how best to suit customers’ needs.

Write a paper that discusses how you might achieve the owner’s goal in a more efficient manner using a database. Answer the following questions in your paper:

  • What database model would you implement?
  • What type of database fits this scenario best?
  • What DBMS is best suited for this scenario, and why?
  • What would be the cost of implementing your proposed system?
  • How would training and maintenance of the system be handled?