Algebra of Authentication and Its Implications for Privacy Questions
I’m working on a operating systems question and need support to help me learn.
4. Suppose a telephone company maintained records on every telephone call it handled, showing the calling phone number, the called phone number, and the time, date, and duration of the call. What uses might the telephone company make of those records? What uses might commercial marketers make? What uses might a rival telephone company make? What uses might a government make? Which of those uses violate individuals’ privacy rights?
6. Discuss the algebra of authentication and its implications for privacy. That is, assume a situation with two-factor authentication, and call the factors A and B. Consider the four cases in which each one is strong or weak. What conclusions would you draw about the results: weak A and weak B; weak A and strong B; strong A and weak B; strong A and strong B? Does order matter? Does it matter if both factors are of the same type (what you know, what you have, what you are)? What happens if you add a third factor, C?
10. Describe a situation in which the source of information is more sensitive than the information itself. Explain why the sum of sensitive data might also be sensitive.