Module 1 homework
1.For each of the following pairs of related entities, indicate whether (under typical circumstances) there is a one-tomany or a many-to-many relationship. Then, using the shorthand notation introduced in the text, draw a diagram for each of the relationships. a. STUDENT and COURSE (students register for courses) b. BOOK and BOOK COPY (books have copies) c. COURSE and SECTION (courses have sections) d. SECTION and ROOM (sections are scheduled in rooms) e. INSTRUCTOR and COURSE
6. A driver’s license bureau maintains a database of licensed drivers. State whether each of the following represents data or metadata. If it represents data, state whether it is structured or unstructured data. If it represents metadata, state whether it is a fact describing a property of data or a fact describing the context of data. a. Driver’s name, address, and birth date b. The fact that the driver’s name is a 30-character field c. A photo image of the driver d. An image of the driver’s fingerprint e. The make and serial number of the scanning device that was used to scan the fingerprint f. The resolution (in megapixels) of the camera that was used to photograph the driver g. The fact that the driver’s birth date must precede today’s date by at least 16 years
8. Figure 1-21 shows an enterprise data model for a pet store. a. What is the relationship between Pet and Store (one-toone, many-to-many, or one-to-many)? b. What is the relationship between Customer and Pet? c. Do you think there should be a relationship between Customer and Store?
10. What is your reaction to the representation of the systems development life cycle included in this chapter? Explain any problems you have with it
15. Consider Figure 1-14. Explain the meaning of the line that connects ORDER to INVOICE and the line that connects INVOICE to PAYMENT. What does this say about how Pine Valley Furniture Company does business with its customers?
16. Answer the following questions concerning Figures 1-17 and 1-18: a. What will be the field size for the ProductLineName field in the Product table? Why? b. In Figure 1-18, how is the ProductID field in the Product table specified to be required? Why is it a required attribute? c. In Figure 1-18, explain the function of the FOREIGN KEY definition.