UC Agile Methodology Discussion
Select one of the following topics.
- SDLC (**specifically what it represents per the course textbook)
- agile development method
- OO development method
- Clarify what constitutes a system (related to this course), systems analysis, and systems design.
Use an example to demonstrate your understanding.
- If you chose the topic SDLC, provide some development scenarios that are best suited or unsuited for this method. Explain what makes one example suitable versus another. In the textbook, SDLC is not a term that represents all development methods. Many authors use SDLC as a term to represent all methods. Make sure that you clarify your point of view.
- If you chose the topic agile or OO, provide some development scenarios that are best suited or unsuited for this method. Explain what makes one example suitable versus another.
- If you chose to discuss systems, describe an example system and explain what makes it a system versus something that is not. Do the same thing with systems design and systems analysis.