Data Insecurity in E Commerce Paper
I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.
Share your topic idea(s) here.
Here are some things to consider:
- Identify a topic in your specialization. (For IT students, Information Technology is not a topic, however, Millennial’s perceptions of smartphone technology could be a topic. ). I am in IT so please choose some IT topic- Prefer related to Cyber security or E-commerce.
- What is the cited problem? The problem you want to address has to come from the literature, and be cited, who are saying there are problems.
- What is the population you would like to address?
- What methodology are you planning on using? (If you are unsure, do you plan on a quantitative or qualitative study? You will determine your methodology in 839).
- Locate at least one article related to your topic. What was the research question in the study? Who were the participants in the study? What findings were reported?
Share your topic idea(s) by going to the “Week 1 Assignment – Journal Reflection on Topic Ideas” link above.