CPT 304 Ashford University Operating Systems Question
OS Theory Concept Map – Section 1
Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, read the following sections in your textbook: 1.1 to 1.11and 1.13 in Chapter 1: Introduction, and sections 2.1 to 2.5 and 2.11 in Chapter 2: Operating System Structures. In addition, answer the following Practice Exercises: 1.1, 1.6, 1.11, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.7. Solutions to the Practice Exercises can be accessed via the textbook: Chapter 1and Chapter 2.
You will be including revised content from this interactive assignment in your OS Theory Concept Map final assignment. You may wish to review the instructions included for the OS Theory Concept Map in Week 5 prior to completing work on this interactive assignment to see how it fits into your overall final project.
As your Final Project for this course, you will build a concept map to resolve this focus question: What are the fundamental concepts that underlie operating systems? Throughout the course, each week’s assignments will include an interactive assignment to build upon your existing concept map, adding nodes to represent the topics that were covered that week. You will link the related concepts to represent and explain their relationships.
To complete this week’s interactive assignment, you will begin your concept map by addressing each of the following topics concerning operating system features and structures:
- Categorize, describe, and give examples of the major functions of operating systems.
- Illustrate the hierarchy of subsystems, components, or subcomponents of operating systems and explain how they interact with one another.
Section 1 must have at least two nodes and at least seven connecting nodes.
After completing Section 1 of the concept map, post a link to your OS Theory Concept Map in the discussion forum for your peers to review.