Ashford University Week 1 Algorithms and Data Structures Discussions
part 1
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 in Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis , complete the required tutorials, and view the videos. You are required to have a basic understanding of Java programming to complete this course. Review specified segments this week within the Tutorials Point website. You must install Java and select an editor or integrated development environment (IDE) in order to complete the tutorials and this discussion. Visit The Java Tutorials web page to install Java. There are several IDEs listed in the recommended resources that can be used as your chosen IDE. There are many more free or open source IDEs that are available on the internet.
After you have installed Java, write a program called Hello My Name Is using The Java Tutorials: Trail: Getting Started web page. Once you have completed the program, capture and save a screen shot of your output.
For your initial post, explain whether or not you had any issues with the Java installation. If you did, what did you do to resolve them? Did you use any additional resources to assist with the Java installation and the Hello My Name Is program? Please explain.
Attach a screen shot of your Hello My Name Is program to your initial post.
Part 2
Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, read the 4 Major Principles of Object-Oriented Programming article, the Lesson: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts tutorial, and Java OOPs Concepts from the JavaTpoint website.
You will be using the blog that you created in INT 100 Fundamentals of Information Technology & Literacy. You will be ”talking” to a newbie about object-oriented programming (OOP) and Java from your newbie perspective in your blog posts.
For the first week’s blog post, access your Bloggeraccount. Create a new post where you provide guidance on Java installation and discuss the concepts and features of the object-oriented design principles. Keep in mind that you do not want to provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to install Java as you did in this week’s discussion. Instead, you may want to provide links to tutorials or resources that you may have used to install Java and produce the Hello World program. This is your chance to let future employers know that you, a technical professional, can communicate technical concepts to non-technical individuals.