How Analytics is used in Today’s Market and Digital Channels Report
Trend Measurement Tools
Three trend measurement tools were highlighted (Google Trends, Google, and Google AdWords). Provide a 2-3 paragraph summary of the tool (250-300 words in length). Share when it would be appropriate and not appropriate for an organization to adopt the tool.
Review A Beginner’s Guide to Using Google Ads
Read “How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Channel for Your Business” (
Assignment: Channel Report
As you read Chapter 2.1, it shared with multiple examples of digital marketing channels. Spend time investigate at least 4 different channels. Prepare a report (1-2 pages) summarizing each channel (with a specific example/tool) and how each one could be applied to a certain businesses/organization. Make sure to explain the business/organization in the opening paragraph and use the same businesses throughout the remaining of the report.
Please share answers in 2 different documents.