AAB Significant Contributions to Digital and Social Communities Essay
Outside your regular job commitments, what are your significant contributions to both digital and social communities?
Why do you want to come to the UK?– Planning to move to UK for Job Search
What is your planned occupation in the UK?
Which region or city of the UK are you planning to live in?– London
How will the UK digital technology sector benefit from your work? (Cyber Security)
(Examples of this might include the technological advances you will bring,the creation or new markets, the planned growth of a digital technology company, the activities you will take part in outside of your direct occupation.)
If you are successful in your application for endorsement, what will be your future contribution to the UK?
Please refrain from using words like consulting and minimize the use of delivery etc . Show your involvement/impact in your organization’s digital business, like products and solutions, innovation, etc. I am looking for people with product experience. Also please use these keywords as much as possible – Innovation, digital technology, digital transformation, creative thinking, impact, research and development, process and product innovation, concept to launch, revenue, commercial, scaling, sustainable ecosystem, operational excellence, strategy, benchmarks etc.
Significant contribution (or) value addition to your industry or company:
Cost saving for company/client – Please quantify them by putting approximate figures like circa £1m
Manpower Resource Saving – By deploying a technology/ or employing automation or implementing an algorithmic-decision making product or solution, you enabled a company or client to optimise their manpower resource and that saved £……….
Business growth: As a result of your work the company/client was able to achieve exponential growth in terms of revenue, new client addition, received name and fame etc
Personal Statement should be on the User, Data ,Application Security related (Cyber Security )