OCC The Three Separate Training Methods Designing Discussion
Please take a few moments and read about the various types of training that you can offer workers in the organization. https://web.archive.org/web/20140221230501/http://tribehr.com/blog/workplace-training-and-education-effective-methods-for-training-adults
For this week’s discussion, consider that you work in the I.T. department of a large financial institution. The institution is getting ready for the implementation of a new I.T. system next month, and you have been tasked with designing three separate training methods.
Things to consider:
- Note: there are employees who use the system daily; employees who will use the system occasionally; and customers who will use the system (and need access to training) as well.
- You know there are three primary types of learner, as we learned in this week’s lectures. Be sure to reference at least two types in your training sessions;
- Use the information in the previous link (“Workplace Training and Education: Effective Methods for Training Adults”) as you write your discussion.
Make an original discussion posting describing three types of training you will set up. Describe who it targets; how it will be carried out; and why you selected the method you did for the target audience.
Guidelines and Points:
- Make your original posting within four days of class session by 11:55 p.m. EST and all peer postings by Monday at 11:55 p.m. EST
- Original posting is worth up to 10 points.
- Collectively your peer postings are worth up to 10 points as well.
- See the rubric below for details.
Will need to responses: 1- JoshuaThe three training methods that stood out to me that I believe would be very successful are –
- Spaced Lecture – This is a process in which information, such as learning a new system, has been broken down into small items so that users can reflect and ask any questions they have about the system.
- Collaborative Learning – This is yet another process in which users can use online technologies that will help them to collaborate and share their knowledge with other people, even remotely.
- Groupwork – It has been proven time over and over again, that people who work together in groups are going to be successful. In this case, working with a group to learn a new system and be trained is truly going to be successful, as each user will be allowed to collaborate with people who have questions and learn from them.
Each of these training methods is bound to assist the user not just to learn the system – but how to accomplish their needs in order to complete their job. Without the system, they would not be able to perform their duties and complete their job, so it is very important that while training the users, it is important to consistently remind that using this new system, and the great functions that come with it, will allow them to conveniently and easily do their job.
Also, the training should be focused on what the user needs to do, and it’s important to also know that showing all cool and awesome features can be sometimes overwhelming, so it is still important to remind the users of even the small features that will still allow them to perform their duties! Each of these three training methods is very high for all the users to reach, and they will be successful! Each one is specifically designed to make sure that each user will understand how to perform their duties diligently and conveniently.
Can I have a respond to : Molly
The three training methods that I think would be the most effective when implementing a new IT system would be Just-In-Time (Self-Directed), Praxis, and Groupwork.
Just-In-Time allows the user to access knowledgeable learning information when it is needed. This is helpful when the user already is familiar with the new IT system but can’t really remember how to perform a specific task. This method also allows the user to exercise the ownership over the learning process and immediately tie learning to the application. This method would be effective because users would be able to get a hands-on experience with the new system. This allows users to explore the system on their own and get comfortable with it at their own pace.
Praxis is a ‘do while learning’ type of method. This method provides experience for the users and allows them to construct their own knowledge. This method helps users get into the problem-solving mindset. This method also is effective when developing innovation skills. This is needed especially when a new innovative IT system is being implemented.
Groupwork is another training method that would be effective when implementing a new IT system because having a face-to-face interaction with team members supports greater social integration within the environment. This method also motivates learners to persist when running into problems which is a great aspect especially when a new IT system is being implemented because people will be running into problems and problem solving would be a needed skill.
All three of these methods are essential to the users when implementing a new IT system to a large financial institution. The training method needs to be specified for the learners. Everyone learns a little bit differently, but studies have shown that when performing hands-on processes, people retain more of the information and are more likely to remember the information.