Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses sexuality from the yahwist narratives.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses sexuality from the yahwist narratives. The Same word use for one day and night – “day one” (the Life. 1, 5), and for a designation of unity between the man and the woman – “one flesh”). Further, we shall result in the well-known messianic, prophetical texts which even the Yahwists relate to the Christ:

So the Lord (Yahweh) will give you a sign: that is the maiden who in her belly will get and give birth to the Son, and will name him Emmanuel (letters. – the god or Yahweh” the unique God “) with us (7, 14). The unique true translation of the name “Emmanuel” is “God with us”. And as there is no other (true) God, except Yahweh (43, 10-11), Jesus Christ and Yahweh are the same People. (1,18-23).

The baby was born to us – the Son is given to us. the sovereignty of Him also will be named: Wonderful, the Adviser, the God strong, the Father of eternity, Prince of the World (9, 6). This prophecy comprises about what with trembling sacred apostle Paul wrote:… Great pieties secret: the God was in a flesh… (1: 3, 16). So, Himself Yahweh promised to live among people, as the person. In this text, inexpressible qualities of God are resulted: who, except Yahweh, – the God Strong? Who, except for the God, the Father of eternity? Here for memory, the bible name comes also – “Michael” which is translated ” Who is those, how the God? “. The Yahwists try to ignore this circumstance, speaking, that the Christ – “the powerful God”, but not Almighty what is only Yahweh. The result as argument the text from the messages of the sacred apostle Paul (1.