Draw a cash flow diagram depicting the net cash flows associated with the purchase, operation,…

Draw a cash flow diagram depicting the net cash flows associated with the purchase, operation, and disposition of a synthetic rubber-blending machine. The cash flow components are shown below. Your CFD should have only one arrow at any given time period, reflecting the net of that period’s cash flows.

At t = 0 (now), purchase a blender for $62,000.

At t = 0, install at cost of $8,000.

At t = 1, savings generated by blender is $10,000.

At t = 1, maintenance costs are $800.

At t = 2, savings generated by blender are $12,000.

At t = 2, maintenance costs are $1,200.

At t = 3, savings generated by blender is $18,000.

At t = 3, maintenance costs are $1,600.

At t = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, savings generated are $24,000 and maintenance is $4,000.

At t = 10, the blender is sold for $8,000.

At t = 10, blender removal costs are $1,600.