FIN 496 SDSU Elvis Products & Microsoft Corporation Profitability Worksheet
From chapter 2, following the textbook, recreate ALL the Exhibits (from 2-1 to 2-10). Be careful to submit the correct worksheet.
*Separate each exhibit on its own sheet, in other words, your workbook must have 10 tabs (or sheets).
In this HW, you will learn to build the:
- Income statement
- Balance sheet
- Cash flow statement
- Create common size statements
- Group data to hide information
- Data validation and how to program Excel to choose 1 of two options (see Exhibit 2-10)
- Your accounting knowledge will be put to the test
Match the format of your work to that of the textbook (no need for fancy art work, fonts or colors); stick to the textbook format and you will be fine. Many students forget how important formatting is when working in Excel and get sloppy/lazy with their formatting (and lose points).