California State University Los Angeles Target Stock Valuation Excel Task
research and analyze an assigned publicly-traded company
Number of Pages doesn’t matter. Need the calculations
Target Corporation (TGT)
Relative Valuation or Price Multiple Models
1. Relative earnings valuation method: P/E ratio or earnings multiple, PEG ratios8
2. Relative revenue valuation method: P/S ratio
3. Relative cash-flow valuation method: P/EBIT, P/EBITDA, P/CFO, EV/EBITDA
4. Relative asset valuation method: P/B or B/M ratios.
Dividend Discount Models
Constant Growth DDM
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
Fundamental analysis:
is an investment approach that uses existing economic information,
such as historical financial statements or different fundamental information about a
company, to make investment decisions.
Using the ‘Top down’ and the ‘Bottom up’ approach