Economics Homework Help

Turkish Paradigm Arab Socialism Arab Uprisings & Other Questions


Can you help me understand this Economics question?

  1. a) What is the “Turkish Paradigm” for development and industrialization under Ataturk? b) How did Arab socialism differ from the Turkish paradigm?
  2. What were the general characteristics of colonial economic management in MENA? In your answer also discuss the main economic goals of colonizing powers.
  3. a) What is generally understood by “second-generation reforms” (i.e. the Post-Washington Consensus/Augmented Washington Consensus)? b) What is the rationale for these reforms, and to what extent may these reforms remedy the shortcomings of the first-generation reforms? In your answer, compare and contrast the first generation reforms (i.e. original Washington consensus) with the second-generation reforms, and provide a critical analysis of both sets of reforms.
  4. Does culture influence economic development? Why/why not? Discuss.
  5. a) What are the possible causes of Arab uprisings? Discuss different views. b) In what ways the Sykes-Picot Agreement affected the evolution of Arab uprisings and the ensuing socio-political, economic and humanitarian crisis in MENA?