Economics Homework Help

Morgan State University Marketing Positions of Business People Discussion


1. Read Study Guide for Aker and Mbiti article on cell phones

Each guide I will write up a study guide for the key points you should learn in the assigned reading. I recommend that you read the study guide before reading the article

2.Study Guide

1. What are some examples from page 1 of how cell phones can help development in africa?

2. Understand how cell phones are a “leap frog” technology and how high coverage rates are (2/3 of African population in 2008, much higher today) nearly 93% of North Africa

3. Note what factors determine the spread of mobile phones

4. How does the price of a phone compare to incomes of those living on a dollar a day

5. Understand the importance of cell phones reducing search cost and how that can improve development

6. Understand how cell phones can generate additional employment and reduce risk

7. Identify the types of “apps” that can be used to help the poor

8. Understand what are the frontiers of mobile phone and development research