MKT 4462 ASU Family Structure Consumer Demographic Dimensions Project
Our society is evolving into a diverse society where we each have an almost infinite number of choices. This change makes it more critical than ever to identify distinct market segments and to develop specialized messages and products for those groups.
For this assignment, you will select in class one of the seven consumer demographic dimensions listed in Chapter 1. They are:
- family structure ( I chose this one )
Chapter 1 summarizes the dimensions. You can find a further explanation of your selected dimension elsewhere in the text.
You will then identify three different segments of that dimension. For example, if your dimension was education, you may select the segments high school graduates, associate degrees, and doctorates. Please note that if your segment does not fit the dimension, all explanations for that wrong segment will be zero.
You would then explain the difference in products they would buy and the marketers’ different approaches to reach each segment. The five product categories are
- food
- transportation
- entertainment
- clothing
- housing