FSE 100 Arizona State University GTA Sam Greenberg Workshop Analytical Review
Hello, there are some videos you got to write 4-5 points for each video. write anything to make sure I have watched the videos, simple points. It’s not going to take so long.
Passcode: qy^vB1?B
Zoom Link (Links to an external site.): https://asu.zoom.us/rec/share/nfMWKU9tGfnvcnl9jmM–DNIBAfR7NiDCxJdWSNC2VR8ugdsRFtPcbR0aK-1156f.XonSFJw4YgmAGqiN
Passcode: +g?rthi6
Passcode: g9U8D8%^
Password: 4xei#30W