Foreign Languages Homework Help

TSL 2083 Seminole State College My Experience as English Language Learner Essay

This assignment has two parts.

Part I:

To prep for this assignment, watch these 2 videos:

1) The Importance of Oral Language Development in the ESL/ELL Classroom (4:26)

Did you catch that part about 90 seconds of students talk?

The Importance of Oral Language Development in the ESL/ELL Classroom (Links to an external site.)The Importance of Oral Language Development in the ESL/ELL Classroom

2) What are the Differences Between Language Proficiency Levels by a Canadian Linguist, eh? (14:31)

This goes beyond the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels given in the textbook – and gives everyday examples.

What are the differences between language proficiency levels? (Links to an external site.)What are the differences between language proficiency levels?

Video: What are the differences in language proficiency levels? (captioned) (Links to an external site.)

Part II:

This assignment offers you a choice of four activities. This differentiates instruction, as well as offering opportunities for choice based on the resources accessible to you. Only choose this one if you have experience as a second language learner. And yes, those high school or college language classes count! Or if you have learned in another country, at home, etc.

Write a reflection (min. 15 sentences) about your experience as a second language learner. Use the following 7 questions to guide you:

  • Give a little intro/context (where, when, which language, circumstances, length of time, age at the time)
  • Were you taught listening before speaking?
  • When did reading and writing come in?
  • What do you see as the pros and cons of the method you experienced?
  • What level of proficiency did you attain with the second language?
  • What level of proficiency do you currently have with the second language? Why?
  • Based on the ideas presented in the textbook and your thoughts, which teaching ideas/strategies would have made your experience better? (If none, then which teaching ideas/strategies from the text were used in your experience?)