Globalizationis the process ofinteractionand integration among people, companies, and governmentsworldwide. As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, globalization is considered by some as a form of capitalist expansion which entails the integration of local and national economies into a global, unregulated market economy.Globalization has grown due to advances intransportationandcommunicationtechnology. With the increased global interactions comes the growth of internationaltrade,ideas, andculture. Globalization is primarily an economic process of interaction and integration that’s associated with social and cultural aspects. However, conflicts anddiplomacyare also large parts of thehistory of globalization, and modern globalization. Please view this outtake about globalization and interpretation of visual evidence. Answer the questions below, then comment on the perspectives of two of your colleagues. (9points for Original post, 6 for commenting on your colleagues’ posts).
If you cannot see the images here, attached is a PDF of the images as a scan HERE
- Image A is typical of images emphasizing the economic consequences of globalization. Does globalization appear to be a force that is subject to human control? How would you define globalization?
- Compare image A with image B. Is there a connection between the accelerating flows of money and goods and restrictions on the movement of people?
- In image C, the woman’s medical mask names globalization as the enemy of workers. What does this say about the local conflict over the conditions of labor in a globalized economy?
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka(1954)
In 1896, the United States Supreme Court declared inPlessy v. Fergusonthat the doctrine of“separate but equal”was constitutional. In 1954, the United States Supreme Court overturned that decision and ruled unanimously against school segregation. For this week’s assignment you will be looking at the American Yawp sections for “The Affluent Society”. Read through this document and answer the questions below. You should answer the questions completely and concisely. Submission guidelines at bottom.
Brown v the Board of Education of Topeka (1954) (Links to an external site.)
linked above
1)In what way did the 1954 Brown decision by the Supreme Court mark a departure from its previous course? In what way did it not?
2)What were the successful tactics and tools used in the Montgomery boycott that were used in similarly successful struggles?
3)What does this show about the changing cultural and political climate in the U.S., and what were the push backs against these changes?
Guidelines for submissions:
Sufficient = 5-10 sentences (85-100 words), substantive, addresses the prompt and is respectful of other classmates.
Insufficient = lacking in terms of length (2-3 sentences/ 50-80 words) and/or substance.
Poor = sparse (1-2 sentence/
Your posts should address all aspects of the discussion prompt, be a minimum of 85 words and be substantive.
Substancemeans providing individual insight, engagement, and depth on a topic.