Howard University Pressure Injuries Overview Research Paper
Assignment 1: Pressure injuries
- Due Thursday
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
Pressure wounds are a preventable skin issue. We see them in locations like long-term care facilities and can be a sign of neglect. and are often a cause for facility litigation (Lawsuits). Watch this Video First. (Links to an external site.)
It is important to understand these wound, how to prevent, identify and treat them. For this assignment you will spend time reviewing Facility P&P as well as other resources to better understand your role as the Advanced Certified Nurse Aide.
Watch This video (Links to an external site.) as a quick in-depth look at the skin.
Read: .
Wound Care-Quick_Reference_Guide-10Mar2019.pdf
Companion document for Prevention and TX of Pressure wounds.doc use this document to look at the most important parts of the Reference Guide)
GH PreventionOfPressureInjuries-P&P.pdf
1. BASIC overview of Stages (Links to an external site.)
1. BASIC STAGING OVERVIEW (Links to an external site.)
2. Staging with Pictures (Links to an external site.)
Write a 2-3 page paper about pressure ulcer prevention. (Due Thursday at 11:59 pm EST)
Consider the following in your paper:
Prevention: What are the causes of Pressure injuries? What are specific ways CNAs can prevent these injuries? Are there any techniques or devices that I use or need that are effective in prevention?
Treatment: How can I tell the difference between stage one and two? What are other signs I can look for if skin blanching is not as evident like in skin with darker pigments? According to the Goodwin House Policy and Procedure and the Wound Care Reference Guide, what are some impactful things that I can do to treat pressure injuries (specific nutrition supports, positioning, etc.)
What did you learn that you didn’t know before and what are at least 3 major things that CNAs should know about pressure injuries.
Intext Citations, APA formatted reference for all resources are expected for this paper. I recommend using the above required resources as well as some you find in your own research.
Ask the Lawyers.Com [Ask The Lawyers]. (2020, June 30). Why Stage 3 and Stage 4 Bedsores Should Never Happen in Nursing Homes [Video]. YouTube.
Crash Course. (2015b, February 9). The Integumentary System, Part 1 – Skin Deep: Crash Course A&P #6 [Video]. YouTube.
Hettrick, H. [3M Healthcare]. (2017, August 18). Understanding Pressure Injury Staging [Video]. H Hettrick.
GABAY MEDICAL [GABAY MEDICAL library]. (2007, December 17). Caring for Pressure Ulcers pt 2 of 4 [Video]. YouTube.
Goodwin House, Inc. (2020, April). Skin and Wound Management Policy and Procedure Manual: Overview (No. 000). Goodwin House.
Goodwin House, Inc. (2020, April). Skin and Wound Management Policy and Procedure Manual: Pressure Injuries Overview (No. 007). Goodwin House.
Goodwin House, Inc. (2020, April). Skin and Wound Management Policy and Procedure Manual: Prevention of Pressure Injuries (No. 009). Goodwin House.
Parkes, C. [Level Up RN]. (2020, January 20). Wound Care for Nurses – Staging Pressure Injuries [Video]. YouTube.
Assignment 2 :Applying Sterile Gloves
- Due Thursday by 11:59pm
- Points 20
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
View The skills sheet.
Unit 4 Sterile Gloving skills Sheet.pdf
Compare these 2 videos and submit the assignment by typing your entry as follows:
Did both videos show each step of the skills sheet? If not, which step (s) were missing?
Would you provide any suggestions for the way the sterile field was created based on your skills check off sheet?
Video one: Sterile Field Set Up Training (Links to an external site.)
Video two: How to put on or Don Sterile Gloves (Links to an external site.)
Hall, B. [Focal Point Productions, Inc. ]. (2015, October 29). Sterile Field Set Up Training [Video]. YouTube.
RegisteredNurseRN. (2014, June 3). How to Put on or Don Sterile Gloves for Nursing Students & Health Care Workers [Video]. YouTube.
Assignment 3: Preparing a Sterile Field
View The skills sheet.
Unit 4 Sterile Field skill sheet.pdf
Compare these 2 videos and submit the assignment by typing your entry as follows:
Did both videos show each step of the skills sheet? If not, which step (s) were missing?
Would you provide any suggestions for the way the sterile field was created based on your skills check off sheet?
Video one: Sterile Field Set Up Training (Links to an external site.)
Video two: Establishing a sterile field (Links to an external site.)
Hall, B. [Focal Point Productions, Inc.]. (2015, October 29). Sterile Field Set Up Training [Video]. YouTube.
Skills Lab. (2017, August 20). I 101 Establishing a Sterile Field [Video]. YouTube.