Health Medical Homework Help

Education of Staff on the Use of PPE Nursing Discussion

Please use this template to write on my DNP project, ‘Using evidence-based practice in minimizing the risks of nurses’ exposure to infectious diseases in an outpatient setting. Find the templates downloads below. 

please look at the educational agenda example and follow it, you did not have to write it as an essay, you needed to create your own like the one in the example I uploaded. Like writing outlines. Please can you create the algorithm, protocol, or policy developed for practice change for the clinic, look at example, and do it like that, you do not need to write them as essay, it need to look like what I gave you in the example. 

Kimdly look into the screenshot examples 

please re-do the education agenda and protocol, algorithm, protocol, or policy developed for practice change. I do not need reference, I need it to be like the one exactly in the example screen shot I gave you. 

for example education agenda

I. Welcome the staff and stakeholders.

II. Introduction to the DNP project.

III. Explain the DNP project, the need for the project and time required for this project.

a Reason for the project

i. Recent data used

ii. Places needed for improvement 

then create an algorithm like create a triage, to separate the patients, especial with respiratory infection, I need more like getting information from patients, if suspected respiratory infection separate them, checking temperature, hand washing with soap or hand sanitizer. Following CDC guidelines, and so on. Please I need more on this not just putting on PPE and removing look up more information. Look at the screen shoot example too. 

please narrow this down to respiratory infection, I am not writing on Covid-19, but you can use it and other infectious respiratory disease to relate to the topic. 

Please for the algorithm for walk in patients, take temperature, use hand sanitizer, gather information if suspected respiratory infection separate them put them in a triage, always stay 6 feet apart when not in contact, and proper wearing of PPE. Available PPE in the triage and nursing station. Proper putting and removing of PPE. Hand watching. Use standard precaution for all patients. And many more. 

Please for the algorithm for walk in patients, take temperature, use hand sanitizer, gather information if suspected respiratory infection separate them put them in a triage, always stay 6 feet apart when not in contact, and proper wearing of PPE. Available PPE in the triage and nursing station. Proper putting and removing of PPE. Hand watching. Use standard precaution for all patients. And many more.