Lake Sumter State College Chapter 9 ANAs Recommendation for Policy Change Essay
Visit the ANA website ( (Links to an external site.)) and complete the following two exercises in preparation for writing the Policy Advocacy paper:
1. Click on “Practice and Advocacy” in the menu bar, then click on “RN Action” and scroll down until you see the ANA’s eight major policy issues (healthcare reform, safe staffing, nursing workforce development, home health, gun violence, workplace violence, opioid epidemic, and #GETMEPPE). Select one of these issues as the focus of your Policy Advocacy paper.
2. On this same ANA page, click on “Resources” from the menu bar and scroll down to select “Advocacy Toolkit” to review for the paper.
The Policy Advocacy paper should be a minimum of two pages and a maximum of three pages, excluding the title/cover and reference list pages. Please use a support citation from one of the course textbooks and two current (within the last five years), peer-reviewed NURSING journals. The paper should address the following:
Why did you select one issue over the other five?
Briefly explain the issue- it’s severity and why policy change is needed.
Do you agree or disagree with the ANA’s recommendation for policy change on this issue? Explain your answer.
What actions can you take to facilitate policy change on this issue? Who are your federal legislative representatives in the House & Senate? If you were to contact them, what specific action would you ask them to take? Use the Advocacy Toolkit as a resource (Links to an external site.).
Should nurses belong to the ANA? What can a professional organization do to influence policy that an individual nurse may not be able to do as effectively?