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Grand Canyon University Public Health Workers Discussion Reply

My understanding of evidence in the public health profession is that a proof of something. Evidence-based information in public health can be defined as a public health professional bringing awareness to other professionals of to the public providing why they reached a judgment of something or why they think an issue arise. Evidence in public health is derived from different science-based studies that include the public and other public health professionals. Evidence is also known as an evidence-based study or research to prove that a study is derived from science with the health of professionals using all their knowledge and experience. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the definition of evidence in public health is the incorporation of science-based interventions with a public that predilections for educating the population in the hope of improving every individual health, disciplines medicine, social work, as well as psychology (CDC, n.d.). Like other public health organizations, Southern Nevada Health District (SMHD) understands evidence-based research and awareness as a primary method in helping its community and improve health.