New York University Wk 4 PubMed Database & Google Sources Reply
The databases that I am using for my project with Inter Tribal Council of Arizona is mostly Google and Google Scholar. The emergence of Pu bMed Health in Google search engine has been a notable topic among medical librarians and the blogging community. PubMed Health includes consumer guides summarizing comparative effectiveness research, fact sheets on diseases and conditions, information on drugs and supplements, encyclopedic overviews of health topics, and links to external websites. The content on PubMed Health is supplied and updated by the following resources: “Comparative Effectiveness Review Summary Guides for Consumers” from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ); “Informed Health Online: Fact Sheets and Research Summaries” from the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); PubMed Clinical Q&A, NCBI summaries of comparative effectiveness drug reports; A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia; and American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists consumer medication information. Comparing the content and content sources to MedlinePlus reveals several similarities—even identical information—between the two resources (Jamal et al., 2015).
Google is used as real-world evidence, which is an increasingly important part of the clinical research landscape, and real-world data is needed to generate such evidence. Real-world data is, however, often derived from “secondary” sources and is not always fit for purpose when it comes to the generation of real-world evidence. The foregoing technical and scientific issues combined with a relative lack of experience in governing research using real-world data renders this research susceptible to commercial, political, and professional biases. Those governing real-world data collections and the research used to generate real-world evidence thus need to be alert to both methodological issues and distortions stemming from competing and conflicting interests (Lipworth, 2019).
Jamal, Q. M., Siddiqui, M. U., Alzohairy, M. A., & Al Karaawi, M. A. (2015). PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATABASES FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF MEDICAL EDUCATION. Online journal of public health informatics, 7(2), e217.
Lipworth, W. (2019). Real-world Data to Generate Evidence About Healthcare Interventions. Asian Bioethics Review, 11(3), 289–298.
Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism.
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