HI 215 PUG Reimbursement Methodologies Importance of Insurance Response Discussion
HI215: Reimbursement Methodologies
Discussion Topic: The Importance of Insurance
INSTRUCTIONS: Respond to all posts; response to classmates should be thoughtful and advance the discussion, response should make and/or frequent informed references to unit material or scientific literature, follow APA style if resources are used, 75 word minimum in response per post
My state of Indiana does have a mission statement.
One topic is resources: “choosing and insurance company”
The second topic is complaints: “doctor or hospital”
I believe it is important to have health insurance, even though I do not agree with the price point. Having health insurance helps with discounts in some facilities. Most facilities that I have went to, like a hospital or physical therapy, give the patient a price break.
I believe not having health insurance can be detrimental in some aspects. For instance, a person may need to be seen for therapy. Because they do not have insurance, they may be required to pay the full amount of the visit before they can be seen. This can be a burden to some people. A person can feel like a failure because they are not able to provide insurance for their self or family.
~Audrea Mouzin~
The state that I am reviewing would be Texas. Texas does have state’s insurance commission have a mission. Texas department of Insurance or better known as TDI has a mission that states insurance consumers are protected first with insurance industry being treated equitably and arduously. With that being said for Texas, our state is providing well-built and relentless market. Finally, supplying knowledge that is useful.
For Texas has at least two consumer related topics that are on the insurance’s commission website would be Consumer Bills of right and their list of agents.
In my opinion the reason I believe that health insurance is beneficial is that it can protect an individual financially if they do not have it because hospital costs can be expensive, and if you need prescription coverage, it can be costly as well. As a result, health insurance aids in the coverage of those expenses.
The impact that Texas has when it comes to not having health insurance from a personal perspective and psychosocial perspective?
Therefore, from my personal viewpoint, the effect of not having health insurance would be that any medical costs incurred by the patient would not be covered. For that reason, coming from a psychosocial standpoint, the patient’s emotional health may seriously mess up by endless worries that he or she may not be able to pay for medical costs for themselves or possible the medical expenses for their children.
~Erika Bailey~
HI230: Quality Assurance and Statistics in Health Information
Discussion Topic: Communication Plan
INSTRUCTIONS: Respond to all posts; response to classmates should be thoughtful and advance the discussion, response should make and/or frequent informed references to unit material or scientific literature, follow APA style if resources are used, 75 word minimum in response per post
Communication plans are essential to any organization. There are many reasons a communication plan is needed such as, improve communication, new projects, implementations, or changes. Plans need to describe the needs and expectations (goals). Plans let the employees know what they need to do to reach the goals the company has set. Without that, it is just communication the employee received and will likely not view again. Knowing there is an expectation behind the information shared will increase the importance.
When sending out communication, it is essential to cater the amount of information to the audience. When sending communication to let others know what is going on, share it as an overview. A What’s Happening memo can provide the highlights to all employees. If sending information to employees it directly impacts, more detail should be provided. It is also important to know how to communicate specific information. Knowing what should be covered in person versus what can be sent in an email is vital and can maintain morale. Deadlines and expectations in communication should have follow-up. This maintains the integrity of the communication and communicator. Weekly communication needs to be sent out on a routine. This creates the habit of expecting and reviewing the communication. Communication needs to be timely to the events it is referencing as well. If information is shared too early, it will be forgotten or lost, and if it is too late, it will be discarded.
There are several advantages to an effective communication plan. According to Wang (2016), there is clarity from the outset. Short and long-term communication is more manageable, reduces risk and opportunities, keeps meetings on track and focus resources, improves teamwork, and satisfies stakeholders. There are disadvantages to a well-thought-out communication plan, including information misinterpreted, too much information at one time, or the team does not share the same vision. Some well-thought-out plans do not leave room for opinions or unexpected change.
~Samantha Hood~
I think a well-put-together communication plan is detrimental to an organization because it helps measure and monitor the quality of care that is being provided to patients. The communication plan “defines and facilitates a systematic approach to identify and pursue opportunities to improve services” (HHS, 2011, p. 2). A well-thought-out plan informs employees of potential problems, reinforces perceptions and attitudes, defuses misconceptions, shows the benefits of change, educates employees, and strengthens relationships. However, a plan that is not well thought out can fail because it is too complicated, inconsistent, doesn’t explain the benefits, and withholds information (CDC, 2018, para. 3)
A good communication plan is necessary for the success and profitability of the organization. When there is effective communication it will enhance patient experiences and outcomes, increase employee retention, decrease waste, improve the organization’s reputation, and keep it competitive.
~Cheryl Stanley~