HSA 405 Strayer University Wk 5 The Affordable Health Care Act Discussion Ques
- E-Activity- Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research and review the Affordable Health Care Act. Be prepared to discuss.
- Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research and review the branches of government within your state to evaluate each branches level of influence in healthcare decisions for the state. Be prepared to discuss.
- The Veteran’s Health Administration (VA) has been instrumental in many new healthcare innovations over the last twenty-five years. Use the Internet to research the VA’s Website, located at http://www.va.gov/, as well as other related Websites to determine the VA’s influence on your local hospitals. Be prepared to discuss.
- From the first e-Activity, analyze the Affordable Health Care Act, and determine the fundamental influence that such reform has exerted on the social, political, and economic environment of the country. Provide at least two (2) examples to support your rationale.
- Differentiate between two to three (2-3) key components of a free market healthcare system and single payer government system. Of the two systems, suggest the one that you believe would be better for the United States. Specify two (2) examples that support your rationale.
- From the second e-Activity, analyze the branches of government of your state with respect to the extent that each branch is associated with health care. Determine whether your state government will participate in either the federal health exchange or create a state health exchange. Classify which aspects of your state’s choice are political and which aspects are economic. Provide at least two (2) specific examples to support your position.
- From the third e-Activity, give an example of at least two (2) innovations started by the VA that are found in any of your local hospitals. Examine the salient effects that these innovations have on public health in your community. Support your response with examples of such effects.
EACTIVITY -Use the Internet to research the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Website, located at http://www.nih.gov/; PubMed, located at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/; and other related Websites to examine common law and its effect on healthcare policy in the United States. Be prepared to discuss.
- Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research the Supreme Court’s review of the Affordable Health Care Act. Be prepared to discuss.
- Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research the Supreme Court’s review of two (2) healthcare cases involving stare decisis. Be prepared to discuss.
From the first e-Activity, interpret the role that common law has played in health care in the United States. Assess the level at which common law has impacted overall decisions related to healthcare policy. Provide two (2) specific examples to support your rationale.
- Differentiate between checks and balances in the separation of power. Specify two (2) examples related to health care from your state government.
- From the second e-Activity, analyze the Federal court decisions in regards to the Affordable Health Care Act. Debate the extent to which the Supreme Court’s decisions have affected healthcare policy in your community. Provide two (2) specific examples to support your rationale.
- From the third e-Activity, analyze the concepts of stare decisis and their effect on health care related judicial decisions. Interpret this legal term in relationship to two (2) health care related cases. Support your response with specific examples.
WEek 3
EACTIVITY-Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research national health insurance throughout the world. Review the various methods of financing health insurance utilized by differing nations. Be prepared to discuss.
- From the e-Activity, compare the key components inherent in the national health insurance financing systems of two (2) different countries. Determine the impact that financing health insurance has on the economy of each country that you selected. Provide examples to support your rationale.
- Examine the importance of health insurance with respect to the cost of the uninsured on the healthcare system. Interpret the function of the Affordable Care Act in providing insurance coverage to the uninsured. Provide two (2) examples to support your rationale.
- Specify at least two (2) examples of quality initiatives that could potentially reduce healthcare cost. Illustrate, with real-world examples, the capacity to which healthcare cost affects healthcare quality in the United States.
- Determine the importance of generic drug availability in relationship to healthcare quality and cost. Provide at least two (2) examples to illustrate the degree to which generic drug availability is significant to the uninsured.
EACTIVITY- • Use the Internet to research the National Vaccine Plan on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Website, located at http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/vacc_plan/. Then use the Internet to research your state public health agency’s current immunization initiatives. Be prepared to discuss.
- Use the Internet to research your state public health agency’s response to a pandemic event. Be prepared to discuss.
- Analyze two (2) essential public health care services found in the text. Examine these services in relationship to one (1) well-known healthcare organization in your community. Provide specific examples to support your analysis.
- Examine the involvement of both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) in health care. Interpret the extent to which the involvement of each agency improves the federal government’s response to health problems overall. Support your rationale with two (2) specific examples for each agency.
- From the first e-Activity, compare your state public health agency to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service (DHHS) in relation to each agency’s approach to disease management. Examine the role that each public health agency would play in the event of a disease outbreak. Provide two (2) examples to support your response.
- From the second e-Activity, analyze two to three (2-3) strategies that your state public health agency would employ in response to a pandemic event. From modifications made to policies in the last five years, infer the related lessons that have been learned. Support your rationale with specific examples of these strategic modifications.
EACTIVITY-Research a medical-legal partnership that has occurred over the past five (5) years within your state or geographic region. Using the MLP approach (Figure 7-2 in your textbook), identify the steps you would engage in to specifically address the selected MLP concern identified. Provide two (2) suggestions to support your response.
- Suppose you work in a hospital that just received twelve patients from a disaster event in your community. Your hospital is able to treat and provide necessary surgical services to those that require surgery. However, five patients are refusing care and requesting to be transferred to another hospital for the same services. Suggest the course of action that the hospital should take to meet the standards of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) related to public health in your community. Provide at least two (2) specific examples to support your rationale.
- Imagine that an unidentified individual with a gunshot wound has been transported to the emergency room. After taking the victim into surgery, the medical team realizes the individual is a minor. Examine the kind of consent that the team should obtain, and determine the resources that they could utilize in order to obtain this consent.
Identify at least 2 ways the law has been used to respond to health-harming social needs in health communitarian . Do you feel the response was effective? What changes would you recommend as a healthcare regulator? Justify your rationale.