HCAD 600 United Medical and Dental College Creating Resilience Discussion
Discussion #1 :- Innovation
Watch this brief clip from the Harvard Business Review. It has more of a business school focus but offers a good perspective on disruptive innovation.
Then review three very short pieces about innovation in healthcare:
- Haughom, J. (2016). Innovation in Healthcare: Why It’s Needed and Where It’s Going. HealthCatalyst. Retrieved from https://www.healthcatalyst.com/healthcare-data-help-not-hinder-human-endeavor-has-2014 [The first article only.]
- Herzlinger, R.E. (2006). Why Innovation in Health Care Is So Hard. Harvard Business
- Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2006/05/why-innovation-in-health-care-is-so-hard
- Gaskell, A. (2016). Building A Culture of Innovation in Healthcare. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/adigaskell/2016/11/08/building-a-culture-of-innovation-in-healthcare/#3dea084344a7 Then respond to the discussion questions below:
- Identify a disruptive innovation. What was it and how did it change its industry. A healthcare example is preferable, but not necessary. Many dramatic examples exist outside healthcare.
Do breakthrough innovations always succeed? (Who knows what the Osborne Computer was?) - Discussion #2: Challenges, Tools for the Future, and Creating Resilience:
- 1. Medical tourism: Review these two websites:
- Medical Tourism
- Medical Tourism Statistics & Facts
- Based on the information provided, what (as a healthcare professional) would you recommend to a family member considering these services? Remember to build your recommendation on facts and relevant research (not opinion). Why would an overseas procedure be a good option? Why might it not? Why might someone want to come to the United States for medical treatment?
Research one of the following incidents.
Hurricane Andrew
The Northridge Earthquake
The 2001 postal anthrax attacks
Hurricane Katrina
The Joplin Tornado
The Tuscaloosa Tornado (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQbACBXWCG0 for a fascinating first person account)
Superstorm Sandy
The 2014 Ebola outbreak
How did the event impact the hospital and health community? What steps could have been taken to better prepare? To better respond? Does your institution or workplace have a continuity of operations (COOP) plan? Do you test it regularly?