Health Medical Homework Help

N 492 Aspen University Role of A Community Health Nurse in Flood Disaster Management PPT


The assignment should be submitted in PowerPoint format, with at least 10 content slides (in addition to a title slide, objectives slide, conclusion slide and reference slide). In the objective slide provide an outline of what will be learned( should be brief and listed in order). The conclusion slide should wrap up the presentation, review objectives and important ideas. Every single content slide should have speaker notes to further breakdown and explain the content in each slide. Do not repeat the information already provided in the content slide on the speaker notes. Include at least two nursing scholarly sources dated year 2017 to the year 2021 other than provided materials, cite your sources using 7th Edition APA style in the reference slide.

  • Create a PowerPoint with the intended audience to be a community health department.
  • Focus on a real or fictional disaster that has or could affect your area. Use Houston, Texas with potential floods
  • Discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in each stage of the disaster. You should include a few slides on each stage of the disaster: preparedness, response, recovery with specific activities and resources that the public health nurse would use in each stage.
  • Identify other agencies that might be involved in disaster readiness actions in all the stages