Capella University Ruby Lake Homelessness Taskforce Strategic Planning Presentation
The counselors at the Capella Career Center have developed resources and tools to help you as a learner, and later as an alumnus, plan and manage your career at every stage. As you progress in this course, take some time to reflect on how you can use the career center to help move your career forward. Review one of the following Career Center resources and complete the corresponding activities.If you are:
- Building your career in your current organization: View the Strategies to Reach That Next Career Step [Video] presentation.
- Changing careers: View the Career Change: Strategies for Getting From Here to There [Video] presentation. Refer to the Career Change: Strategies for Getting From Here to There Supplemental Resources [PDF] mentioned in the recording.
- Seeking a new position now or planning to in the future: View the Effective Job Search Strategies – Introduction [Video] presentation and complete the activities in the accompanying Job Search [PDF] workbook.
- Breaking into teaching in higher education: View the Job Search: Teaching in Higher Education [Video] presentation.
Before this course ends, start a Competency Translator [PDF] worksheet to track what you learn and how you can apply your knowledge and skills, as well as how you can develop talking points for them.
- Toggle Drawer
This discussion post will be in the form of a brief presentation using PowerPoint (or similar software) to create slides and Kaltura (or similar software) to narrate them and to upload the presentation. Three slides and 2–3 minutes of narration should be sufficient for this presentation.Most organizations today establish a strategic plan to set their goals and direction. You can usually learn about an organization’s strategic plan from its public literature or website. While this course is not focused on strategic planning, part of action research is to involve the strategic plan of the organization and the stakeholders. Note: An organization’s strategic plan should not be confused with the action research plan, which is a step in the action research process that you will study in Unit 7.Research the strategic plan of your chosen organization for the Action Research Project. Note: If the organization does not have a strategic plan, find and utilize a plan from a similar organization.Address the following in your presentation:
- Discuss the strategic plan of your chosen organization for the Action Research Project, outlining points that are significant for your research.
- Explain how the stakeholders are involved with the organization’s strategic plan.
- Discuss how your research might aid the organization’s strategic plan and continue to move it forward.
- Consider using an Arial font in an appropriate size in your PowerPoint. Generally, it is recommended that you use 24–28 point font for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text.
- Write an outline or script of what you are going to say before you begin recording. Although you can pause or edit Kaltura presentations, editing capability is limited. So, to sound professional, you will want to prepare.
- Review your entire presentation prior to posting it, to ensure that the audio can be heard.
- Only upload final versions of your recordings to the courseroom (not the trials and practice runs). This helps prevent your My Media space from becoming cluttered.​
- Consult the Resources links for this activity for helpful information.